
Recycled Braided Bracelet Tutorial

I saw this type of bracelet a long time ago on Pinterest and was immediately smitten. I thought it would be the perfect way to recycle old t-shirts. I made this about a month ago, and last week I started to see similar tutorials popping up all over the web. So, I was a little hesitant to put this tutorial up, but I thought I'd do it anyway since I feel that every tutorial offers something unique.

If you'd like to see how I did it click on "read more" below.

You'll need:
1. 3 strips of jersey about 2-3 cm wide and 30 cm long. 2 strips of jersey with same width, but 10 cm long. I cut mine from an old t-shirt.
2. Different types of chains. I used 3 different types and bought 1 m of each, but you really only need 50 cm of each.
3. 2 x 10 mm wide ribbon crimp ends
4. 2 jumprings
5.  Clasp (any kind will do)
6. A glue gun or other adhesive (not in the picture)
7. Round nose pliers (not in the picture)

1. Assemble your supplies.
2. & 3. Take the long strips of jersey and twist the ends. Now put a little clue on the edge near the end of one of the shorter strips and glue all the long strips to the short strip.
4. Fold the chain in half, put another coat of glue on and glue the chains to the strips.
5. & 6. Add more glue and glue the shorter strip around the body of the bracelet.
7. & 8. & 9. Braid the bracelet making sure that the chains are visible. Glue the other end of the bracelet just like the beginning.
10. Attach ribbon crimp ends, then use the jumprings to connect the clasp with the crimp ends.


  1. This is awesome!!! So pretty :)

    1. Thanks! Perfect little project for the weekend.

  2. This is so adorable,so girly-girl.Love it.

  3. My first visit to your blog from craftgawker.This is so pretty ! Love it.:)Just had a look at all the thing u made . So creative!!

    1. Thanks, Diya! I really appreciate it. Hope to see you here again :)

  4. Hanna.... I just LOVE LOVE LOVE the bracelet!!!!!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

    1. Thanks so much, Christine for stopping by, and for telling me that!

  5. CONGRATS!! You have been featured at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality! Come on over and grab your featured button! You deserve it :)

    1. Thank you so much, Christine! I'm so excited to be featured! (jumping up and down)

  6. Hi, Hanna, I pinned your bracelet and am going to make one with my granddaughter. Thanks, Linda

    1. Hi, Linda! Thanks for pinning and sharing the love! It sounds like a lovely idea to make it with your granddaughter. It's all about passing on the creative spirit.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I love this so much! I hope you wouldn't mind if I utilized something like this for my newly launched blog? I would totally credit you in it!

    Thank you for showing me ways to keep my blog interesting without having to do huge projects every week.

    I'm inspired!


    1. I'm glad I could inspire you with my blogging. As long as you give proper credit, I don't mind being utilized ;). Saw your blog, and it has some good ideas so far. Keep up the good work!

  9. Thank you so much for checking out my blog! I would absolutely credit you the proper way. I am inspired by people like you who care about your followers! I hope that one day my blog can be as successful as yours!

    I will be sure to let you know when you can look out for the post that is inspired by you!

    - Sam

    1. Thank you so much, Sam, for all the kind words! I'll be looking forward to that post :)

  10. glad you shared this great tutorial because I hadn't seen any of the others myself! Thanks!


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