
Back in Business!

I'm finally back in business! After spending almost the whole day listing and preparing the shop, it's up and running. I can't believe I actually did it. But I did!

You might have noticed the Etsy Mini on the sidebar. That's proof of my shops existence. I hope all the planning and preparations will pay off. I still have over 20 new listings to prepare, but over 40 listings is a good start I think.

I would be thrilled if you'd go and check out my shop. And then come back an tell me what you think in the comments. You're feedback would mean the world to me. Really!

Oh, and as promised, I will have a special deal for you guys on Monday. Just because you are all so important to me and I want to share my excitement.


  1. Nii tore, palju õnne ka! (Üks väike küsimus ka Sulle, mis ma olen alati mõelnud: kui eestlased peavad inglise keeles blogisid, siis mis keeles nad kommentaare ootavad?)

    1. Aitäh!

      Eestlased võivad minu blogis küll julgelt eesti keeles kommenteerida. Ma olen muide isegi hispaaniakeelseid kommentaare saanud :D


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