
Refashionista: Old-fashioned shirt into a loose romantic blouse

Hello! Today I finally decided to finish one of my old projects: make an awkward, old-fashioned shirt into a beautiful blouse.
I found this shirt from a second-hand  clothing store about a year ago. I just loved the floral pattern! It has been sitting in my cupboard, waiting for some style refreshment for way too long.
I'm sorry about the pictures, as the pattern of this fabric is very bright, it is almost impossible to see the differences...Before the makeover, the shirt had plain sleeves, a collar and buttons. I left everything untouched, except the collar and sleeves. I cut the blouse a loose neckline and made the sleeves a bit tighter at the ends. And that's it!

By the way, meet my kitty! Her name is Nyx and she is the kindest and most adorable little creature in the whole world! I used the collar from the shirt to make a small kitty-collar for her :) She wasn't as amused as I was...


  1. Very nice! I love how flattering it became.

  2. Great job. Such a difference!

    x Elena @ Randomly Happy

    1. Thanks! :) Sometimes even little changes in the pattern can make big differences. That way you can easily change a random shirt into your favourite one!

  3. Väga lahe! Peaks oma särgid ka selle pilguga üle vaatama, mis ammu ümbertegemist ootavad. Ja kass näeb väga šikk välja (isegi kui ta ise nii ei arva) :)

    1. Mõnikord on hea jätta asju ootama, kohe esimese hooga ei tule alati kõige loogilisemad ümbertegemise ideed peale :D sellest särgist oleks eelmisel suvel äärepealt mingi hullumeelsus tulnud, aga õnneks jäi tol hetkel aega napiks..
      Nyx tänab komplimendi eest! :)

  4. I think you've just solved a big problem for me--I don't have any button down shirts because I can't ever find any that fit properly! Anything that fits me in the shoulders sits all wrong on my hips, but with this refashion I can make looser shirts flattering. I'm really excited to try this.

    1. I had the same problem with this shirt :D it seemed to be quite ok, but something was just so wrong when I tried to wear it.. And then I figured out, the collar was just too much! :)

  5. And if you don't have a kitty to pass your collar on to you can use the collar as an accessory to wear with crew neck sweaters or t-shirts.

  6. And if you don't have a kitty to pass your collar on to you can use the collar as an accessory to wear with crew neck sweaters or t-shirts.

  7. Love your blog!!! I follow you.



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