
Sunday Snippets: Patterns and coffee

This weekend has been one of those busy and crafty ones, where I stay home, and take on my to-do list. Which is a mile long, by the way. But I got a lot of the things done I had planned this weekend. The most important thing was to finish the blog makeover, and boy, was I excited to check that one off my list.

The next super important thing on my list was to get the pattern ready for my recital dress. I have an important concert coming in 2 weeks, and I haven't even started on the dress. First, I couldn't find the suitable fabric, and then I had to rethink my whole design, and to top things off, I don't have the suitable pattern, so I have to make it based on three different patterns. Today I bought all the notions, and adjusted the pattern. I hope I can manage to cut most of the pattern pieces by the end of the night.

And that's not all, my friends. I did some planting today! You might be surprised by this, but I'm not into gardening. At all... In fact, that little plant in the picture above is the only plant in our apartment. Not that we haven't had any others, they just seem to die at the sight of me. This is the only one that has survived my care. So, I thought it was time to give it some real care. Since I was throwing around dirt anyway, I thought I'd try to plant some tulips as well. We'll see if anything comes of it.

Back to my patterns!

What have you been up to this weekend?

xo - Hanna


  1. Sounds like a good weekend! I've managed 3 more Granny Squares, lots of revision, a banoffee pie and a Mother's day outing for afternoon tea! Win!

    1. Sounds like a packed weekend! I'd like some banoffee pie right about now :D. Hope you squeezed in some relaxation time as well.

  2. Gosh Ladies! All I did was attend college baseball games from Friday to Sunday but it symbolized that many other chores were complete....after being very under the weather for the entire previous week, I was happy to simply eat too many Girl Scout cookies and be a sports fan....I bet Hanna did enough crafting for all of us! And since gardening is my career, I was also glad to not have dirt under my nails for 48 solid hours. Tons of stuff blooming here in Southeast USA but I still needed wool & down to keep warms at night in the stadium. Very cozy - just needed one of those frou-frou coffees you made :D

    1. Martha, that must have been a lot of fun! And we all need those kinds of weekend to recharge our batteries.
      I admire people who are good at gardening, it seems so much more complicated than crafts to me. I mean, I've managed to kill every single plant I've ever received, even a cactus...And they're supposed to be pretty much indestructible.
      And I'm so envious of you weather! Seems to me, you're already experiencing spring while we are still stuck with ice, snow, and temperatures reaching -20 C. Even the coffee won't do it :).


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