
Customize: DIY new insoles for old shoes

I'm a sucker for a simple project. This little shoe makeover took me about 15 minutes, but gives my thrifted shoes a new and improved feel. If you've been following this blog for a while it's now news to you that I'm a confessed thiftoholic. I also get most of my shoes second hand. The only down part about that is that unlike clothing, shoes are harder to clean, and who wants to wear old shoes when the insides look like they've been worn to pieces. So, with this pair of pretty flats I decided to change the insoles to give it a cleaner look and, more importantly, a cleaner feel.

The process was super simple and quick:

Just take out the insoles, use one of them to trace a sole pattern, and cut out new insoles from fabric. Then use an adhesive to glue the new insoles into the shoe, and you're done. It's as easy as pie!


  1. I did this too but always wondered how to make it accurate. Silly me never thought of peeling the insole off! Thanks for the tip :-)


    1. Hah :D, Agy, you're most welcome! It's the simplest thing that we don't think of sometimes.

  2. It's really nice :) Thanks :) I'll make this.

  3. Love, love, love all the color....like a bouquet at your feet! Now those shoes will look just as pretty sitting in your closet as they do while wearing! Very cool idea! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I was a little bit hesitant about putting in floral insoles into floral shoes, but I really love the colorful look as well. Thanks, Martha!

  4. Eheh, I'm also a sucker for easy projects... and recipes for the matter! :) This is a great idea.

    1. Totally with you on that! Easy and quick is all I have time for these days.

  5. Hanna it is looking amazing. You can also add a charm to your shoes to make it more beautiful for example silver stone on the top of flower will look charming!
    shoelace charms


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