
Four Simple Goals

I've always been a goal-oriented person. I love setting goals, making lists and then checking things off once they're done. Not only does it give me the feeling of accomplishment, but it helps me to organize my thoughts into manageable chunks. It helps me to create order in the chaos that I call my mind. Most of the time I have a million ideas and thoughts going through my head. Some of them are bigger visions for my future, some are just simple tasks that need to get done, and all of that can get overwhelming from time to time. Putting them down helps to categorize my thought and prioritize my actions. So, when Elsie of A Beautiful Mess and Hayley of Tiny Twig both wrote about setting doable goals for the next month or two, I couldn't help but go along and put down my own goals. I love both Elsie's and Hayley's approach, so I'm going to combine the two and make 4 simple goals for every month.

Here are my goals for November:

1. Organize my studio/bedroom one nook at a time.
2. Gather inspiration for a new blog design.
3. Exercise at least 3 times a week.
4. Reduce my "to refashion or mend" pile by at least 1 garment per week.

I'll do another post at the end of the month to report my progress and put down new goals for December.

So, how about you? Do you love making lists and putting down goals or are you more a go with the flow type of person?


  1. Love the idea! Have been too busy even to make lists, but this has reminded me that it must be done :) Mine unfortunately will tell me to knit less and study/work more but this is just temporary!
    Keep up the good work!

    1. It's always unfortunate to lose crafting time - it's like losing some therapy time. I hope more knitting will be on your agenda soon :). Hugs!

  2. I always have a "to do" list (in fact plenty of them, each considering a different part of my life). The only problem is that I rarely jot down the deadlines on them, which sometimes makes it difficult to have everything done in time. I'm not a procrastinator, but when there're too many positions on the list you can get a little confused about what to do next. That's why I like the idea of setting 4 simple goals per month. I'm gonna try it with my "DIY list" and hope it will help me complete some projects planned for autumn/winter. Wish me luck! :)

    1. I completely agree with what you said about deadlines. A goal without a deadline is simply a dream. Good luck with your 4 simple goals and setting more deadlines on your important goals!


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