
Favorite Things: Getting inspired

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I've been feeling a little uninspired lately, or rather uncreative....no, that's not the right word either. I have a million ideas floating around in my head, but I can't seem to get going on making them in reality. I keep jotting ideas down in my notebook, but most of them stay just that - a scribble in my little black notebook. Is it possible to be inspired and uninspired at the same time?

Well, I thought that maybe the best way is just to let them be for now. Gather inspiration elsewhere and take the pressure off. I think all of us creatives feel the pressure to create sometimes. Especially when you're a blogger and you feel you should be creating new content. I've sure been feeling that pressure lately. The sad thing is that whenever I feel that way, I lose all the fun in blogging. So, my goal for the rest of the month is to get back into the fun of blogging.

Have you ever felt uninspired to create? If so, how did you get over it?

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  1. I absolutely love the mood of the pictures you posted. Whenever I feel stressed I try to take a break and just relax in the bathrub readin a magazine... : )

    1. Oh, I wish I had a bathtub! Sadly, that's not the case, but I used to love taking baths for relaxing as well.

  2. You could take a poll among your non-blogging friends. They say necessity is the mother of invention. Maybe someone you know has been pining for a diy version of a designer beanie or earrings just like the ones she saw on some TV show. For example, every time I watch Reign, I want to make every single hair ornament I see.

    1. That's a great idea! Sometimes I forget that there are people who don't diy every single thing in their wardrobe, or that they might just not know how to make something they'd like. Thanks a lot for your thoughts!


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