
New blog design!


before (the first version)
If you visited my blog yesterday, you probably noticed something was off. I've been messing around with the blog design all day, so there have been some weird moments along the way.

I've been wanting to make over the blog for months now, but didn't seem to have the time or a clear enough of a plan. But, today, thanks to a little push from my fiance, I finally did it. I'm so glad I did! I hope you like it as much as I do.

Update! And then I changed it some more. What can I say... I guess diving head into a design without a clear picture of what it has to look like leads to many more little tweaks. But, the positive side of it is that I learned a lot about html and some new Photoshop skills along the way. Whoop!

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  1. Great! I'm working on redoing my blog design now, too. Mine still has a couple glitches to iron out...

    1. Good luck with the design! It can be frustrating at times. I know I did some hair-pulling and major google-it session to get everything where I wanted it to be.

  2. Nii toredad täpid ja värske ilme! Ma pean ka ikka asja käsile võtma. Kevad lihtsalt sunnib uuendama kõike.

    1. Just just, kevad tekitab kohe sellise värskuse igatsuse. Kuigi, mul oli idee bogi kujundus ümber teha juba palju varem, aga kevad ja mu armas kihlatu lükkasid õige tuule purjedesse :).


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