I spent the majority of this week organizing my blog archives (you can check them out from the navbar above). A tedious, yet very rewarding job. It was fun going through all the project I've done over the past 2 years, and seeing how many pretty things I've made. The official birthday of this little blog of mine was at the end on July, but I was too busy with the wedding to take note or celebrate. So, I thought I'd take a moment today to reflect back on these past 2 years.
I've talked about this before, but my blogging journey is much longer than the lifespan of Pearls & Scissors. I've gone through two blogs before launching this, and there have definitely been some growing pains for me as a blogger. But, the one thing that still rings true is that I love blogging. Even if I get too busy sometimes and don't post as often as I'd like, I couldn't imagine my life without it. I love connecting with you, I love sharing my creative ventures, projects, ideas, inspiration, and the curveballs life keeps throwing at me. And, I love being a part of the bigger blogging community of amazingly talented and inspirational people.
As I go into this new year of blogging, I'm facing some really tough questions. Like, where do I go from here? What do I want this place to be? How do I see my blog in a year/5 years/10 years? Those are all really important questions, and not all of them are easy to answer at this point. At the same time, I'm so excited to think about all the routes this venture could take, to dream up the perfect picture of Pearls & Scissors, and where it might lead me.
So, I thought I'd throw some of those questions at you, my dear readers. I always appreciate all your insight and thoughts, so I'd like to hear from you: What would you like to see more of on Pearls & Scissors?
And a really fun one: How would you imagine the future of Pearls & Scissors?
I'd love to chat with you on the comments, so do say Hi and leave me your thoughts.
Thank you so much for being a part of this blog, for visiting, and for all your incredibly kind words you've sent me over these past 2 years! Without you blogging wouldn't be fun at all :)
xo Hanna
Hi Hanna!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that I've found your blog some time ago. You create a very nice atmosphere here - of creativity and beauty. You give your readers an idea to realize or inspiration to create something new, something of their own.
Hi Nadira!
DeleteThank you for your thoughts! What you describe is exactly what I would like this blog to be like, so I'm very happy that that is shining through. I really hope I can grow this blog into more of a community of creative people. I truly believe that creativity and making can add so much more meaning to our everyday life. I hope I can spread that message even further.
xo Hanna
Hanna - I love your blog and it is the only one I follow. That says something since there are thousands of bloggers out there. Love your projects - I am a real thriftier and crafter myself - and equally love seeing how beautiful your country is. Please stay with us.
Wow! That's such an honor. Thank you so much Barb! I'll definitely stay, if anything, I'll try to share even more great content. I love blogging, and crafting, and sharing, so I'm not going anywhere :)
DeleteLove, Hanna
I've always adored your photography. It is stunning! I love reading your blog. I love reading the ups and downs of your life.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Kelly! I don't think of photography as one of my strengths, although I have developed in that field a lot over the past few years. And, I have to admit that a lot of the photos on the blog have been taken by either my husband, or my friends - I just edit them later.
DeleteSharing about my life is something I hesitate doing sometimes in fear of hurting someone close to me, but then again, I also enjoy reading other people personal stories. I think we all like to know that no-one's perfect, and that we have a lot in common in our life journeys.
xo Hanna
Dear Hanna,
ReplyDeleteyour blog is much more that just another DIY blog. You share your life experience with us and it makes me feel like I know you just like one knows a friend. Don't hesitate to share everything you want to in the blogosphere. I always feel inspired by your projects so I'd like to see as many of them as possible.
Keep writing! :)
Ola, thank you so much on your feedback! I always appreciate your comments on my posts, I feel as if I knew you, too :). I'll try to be just as honest and sincere in the future, and share a lot of creativity. Promise!
DeleteLove, Hanna
Ma ühinen ka eelkõnelejatega, et siia lugema tulemine on alati väga mõnus, hubane ja inspireeriv. Mulle meeldib, et sa oled (või nii vähemalt paistab) väga aus kõikides oma tegemistes ja sõnades. Eks blogid loovad ikka inimestest mingi idealiseeritud pildi, kuid sinu omast kuvab kuidagi rohkem läbi ehedust. Natuke siis ausust vastu ka - kui ma ise unistan päris oma ettevõtmisest, ja seda sageli liiga suurelt, siis just sinutaolist inimest kujutaksin selles samas asjas kaasategemas.
ReplyDeleteMuidu aga palju püsivust sulle! Ja ma arvan, et sa tead ise kõige paremini, milliseid unistusi ellu viia seoses siinse keskkonnaga.
Laura, suur tänu! Ausus internetis on selline kahe teraga mõõk, et alati on veidi hirm olla täiesti aus, sest inimesed ei pruugi sind mõista. Mida ma aga olen püüdnud küll järgida on põhimõte, et ma ei varja olulisi asju ja inimesi oma elus. Mõnest asjast on raskem kirjutada, mõnest lihtsam, aga ma arvan, et just see ehedus on see, mis eristab blogijat ajakirjast ja seda erinevust on oluline hoida.
DeleteMis puudutab sinu unistust, siis loomulikult tekkis mul kohe uudishimu, et millega küll tegu võiks olla?... Mitte, et sa jagama peaks :). Olen palju mõelnud selle peale, et tegelikult tahaksin enda kõrvale paarilist, kellega asju arutada ja kelle vastu nö ideid loopida, et vaadata, mis kinni jääb. Ehk võiksime kunagi ideid vahetada?
Saatsin sulle hoopis meili.