You see, I've felt disconnected lately. From the blog. And I've been thinking a lot. I've always tried to be as open and honest with you as possible. I don't just blog because it's fun, I blog to connect with you. To share my thoughts, my inspiration, my creativity. And, I've always loved it. Whenever I've had to take a break and put other things first, I've missed it.
But, for the last few weeks, I've felt disconnected. My life is a constant rush, and it's exhausting. I have my job as a teacher, then my data entry job, then moving stuff, then this blog, a to-do list a mile long, and a million ideas I'd like to make happen. Some days I just feel I can't do it anymore. I've been spreading myself too thin, but for what? And, this is not just a question of my work-load and what I get in return. It's one of those hard life questions I've been faced with lately.
But, let's take a step back for a second. As you might have noticed, I've been experimenting with the idea of monetizing my blog for the last couple of months. Since I don't have a job lined up here in Germany, I've been thinking about turning my blog and Etsy shop into a part-time job. I've dreamed up new products, e-courses and blog series. It looks great... In my head.
But, the truth is, I don't know if I have it in me to make it happen. I don't know if I'm the blogger-for-business type. Or, if I'm the make-stuff-for-living type. And, it would be a huge financial risk for our family. What if I put all our money and time into it and fail?
I'm sure everyone starting out has the same fears, but for me, my past ventures in business have only confirmed these fears. So, should I really be giving this another go?
I'm not saying this to get you to reassure me, or to fish for compliments. It's one of those things that I need to figure out for myself. I just wanted to be honest and speak my mind. Because, I feel that you are a big part of this blog. At the end of the day, you are the reason I blog. As long as you keep coming back, I'll keep posting.
I'm sure I'll figure this out. And, getting this out of my mind and into words is definitely the first step.
I have a question for you as well. What types of posts to you love most on Pearls&Scissors? What would you like to see more of? I would greatly appreciate your feedback.
Thank you for taking the time to read this! And, thank you for hanging around! It means so much to me.
xo. Hanna
I just typed out a super long comment and thought to support Hanna I should turn off my adblock - which wiped my comment!
ReplyDeleteBasically, I like your blog for the writing style. I have mentioned before how I'm not big on refashions though you do really wonderful jobs of them - thinking of your strapless dresses that you added straps to, ie the ribbons etc.
I think the posts I liked the most was your dress you made for your big performance, I enjoyed seeing your progress pictures.
Oooh! And I'd love to hear more about traditions and your move to Germany - your wedding series was really interesting. Coming from Australia we have vague European roots, I do like learning about other cultures. I've discussed w friends about the tree planting and stork tree ribbon tying etc. We weren't sure what you'd do, if you broke up, about the tree, but thats a different story.
I think I'd stick around for the long haul - if you feel like you need a break, take one, but don't let your fear stop you :-)
Good luck with whatever you end up doing - I think you should be very proud of what you have accomplished so far!
So sorry this happened to your comment Elizabeth! It's the most frustrating thing. So, big thanks for taking even more time to write another one!
DeleteAlso, I really appreciate your honest feedback. I agree with you, that whatever I choose to do, it has to be right in the long run. There's no point in taking on too much and then burning myself out in just a few months.
Thanks for everything! I'll see you again in the comments :)
Gleening from the first comment, I too have European (German, Dutch, and English to be exact) roots, and have always been fascinated by it, but only seen it in pictures. And I too am facing a very similar decision as yours, but in a different set of circumstances. I am about 10 years from retirement (I'm 47), and the meds that I take are some of the most expensive on the globe (google Humera and you'll see what I mean, $5,000 for six injections, and I have to get 24 each year). When I retire, my health insurance will change, and it may be up to me to supplement even more than I do now. I too have been considering setting up an Etsy shop and begin selling some of my own designs, and getting all these idea's that float around in my head, finally down on paper, and into someone elses crafty hands. But what a job! I can't even begin to fathom all the work that goes into it. Part time job? I think not. If you do that, I'd love to hear how you do it, the ups and downs, tips and tricks.
ReplyDeleteI have always been a fan of re-furbished, re-loved, re-imagined things. And the things you do with your crafty sewing just blow me away sometimes (still loving that heart lace t-shirt!!). As Elizabeth said, do what you need to do, we'll still be here. Take some time, take a breath, take a break. You've been through a lot lately, and you've had two life changing events (marriage and moving to a whole new country!). Do what you need to do for you, we'll be here.
Melissa, that sounds like a really tough spot you are in. I do hope you can figure out a way that works for you, and that, ultimately, makes you feel happy and content with your life.
DeleteThank you so much for your thoughts and feedback! You're one of the familiar "faces" I love seeing in the comments section.
Willkommen in Deutschland, Hanna! Welcome to Germany!
ReplyDeleteWhen reading your post, I was afraid that in the end you would say that you'd quit your blog... I am glad that this is not the case. Take your time to figure out what you want. And what you want with your blog. And don't feel pressured to post everyday.
I really enjoy reading your blog. But I can't decide which posts i like the best. Maybe refashioning? But I also like the posts which are more personal. More often than not i can relate to the struggles that you are facing. And I appreciate that you are sharing your thoughts so openly.
I'm curious how you like living in Germany...
Greetings from Munich!
Thank you for the warm welcome!
DeleteI'm very far from quitting - I simply love blogging too much for that. But I may have to make some changes. Sometimes, I wonder if people are interested in my personal story, because Pearls & Scissors has always been mainly a craft blog, but I love writing them, and it's good to know you enjoy reading them.
I'm definitely going to be posting a lot about our move to Germany and the beginnings of living in a foreign country. This time I'm only here for a week, but my final move date is in 4 weeks.
I originally found you because I am interested in refashion, but stick around mainly because I love to hear about how you are doing. You write a very nice blog and make me feel like family. Glad to hear you are staying whatever you decide to do.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to hear I make you feel like family. That's one of the best compliments I've ever gotten about my blog, so thank you! For me, Pearls & Scissors readers are my internet family. I wouldn't be doing this if every now and then I wouldn't get a response from one of you.
DeleteDear Hanna,
ReplyDeleteoriginally I started following your blog because of your refashion posts. But to be honest it's quite interesting to learn from you how your new life only 5km from me is.
So if you need a little talk..... ;-)
Hallo! Na, wie cool ist das, dass du so nah von mir lebst. Wir sollten uns definitiv mal treffen :). Ich habe ungefähr eine Million Fragen über eine Million deutsche Sachen.
Deletema ei mäleta, millal ma su blogi avastasin või mis kanaleid pidi, aga aeg-ajalt tulen jälle tagasi, et mõnda uutmoodi (refashion) asja yle vaadata või lugeda, kuidas sul läheb. ja nyyd - leidsin siia tee alles paar päeva tagasi - ja ohoo ! mis kõik vahepeal toimunud on, arvestades, et viimati vist viskasin pilgu peale kunagi kevadel. niiet kõigepealt igatepidi õnnitlusi igas võimalikus variatsioonis, et elu ikka oleks niivõrd mullinätsukarva vanaroosa, kui blogi päitsis too värvivariatsioon (peachy?)
ReplyDeletema ei oska öelda, mis postitusi ma ootaks või kõige enam hindan. mulle tundub, et sa paned endast üsna suure osa siia - nii hinge kui südant tükkis käsi- ja kirjatööga ning mulle väga meeldib aeg-ajalt pilk peale heita ja kaasa elada. oledki vist ainus blogimaastikult leitud suvaline kirjatsura', kelle käekäik mind huvitab - tõenäoliselt suures osas sellepärast, et paned kirja ja jagad oma elu stiilipuhtalt ja värvikalt.
igatahes edu ja kordaminekuid saksamaal ja jätkuvat kirjutalusti (:
Mul on ikka ja jälle siiralt nii hea meel, kui mõni, kes varem ehk kommenteerinud ei ole, leiab aega ja tahtmist ka enda mõtted kirja panna. See teistega kuidagi ühenduses olemine on minu jaoks (nagu ka korduvalt kirjutanud olen) üks peamisi asju blogimise juures. Üksi suurde avarasse interveebi kirjutada ei ole ülde nii vahva kui mõelda kirjutamise ajal juba tuttavaks saanud nägudele kommentaariumis. Seega, loodan, et näitab oma nägu siin ikka aeg-ajalt oma värvikate kommentaaridena.
DeleteVõtan kõik õnnitlused soojalt vastu, aitäh! Kohtumiseni järgmistes postitustes!