
Words for the Week No.28 // The next step

For me, life these days is a bunch of steps. I'm not moving by leaps and bounds, but I am moving. I'm keeping my chin up, my focus on the future, and just taking that next step. At this point, so much of our lives is sort of in limbo-land. There are so many loose ends that it's hard to see where all this is going. So, all I can do is take another step, and another step.  

Right now, it's doing my best on this blog. Writing and creating with passion and love. It's doing my homework in B-school and learning as much as possible. It's dreaming big and finding new ways to move towards those dreams. I could either look at this point in our lives as something very difficult, demotivating and stressful. Or, I could look at it as a time full of countless possibilities to create the future we want. Nothing is decided. Which means that everything is open. 

I'll be the first to admit that choosing the second outlook is not easy, and I don't succeed every day. But the days I am able to see the good are the days that inspire me to keep moving on the bad ones.

I'm a dreamer through and through. I love creating alternate futures in my head, envisioning how my life would pan out. I've done a lot of dreaming and planning lately, and each time the dream gets more clear to me. Each time the path to that life is a little less foggy. So, I will keep dreaming, planning, and moving forward. Because this is my time to turn the vision in my head to my everyday reality.

Do you have a dream - a vision of how you want your future to be? Do you know what your next step will be to make sure you will get there?
I'd love to hear your dreams and thoughts in the comments!

xo. Hanna


  1. Su plaaniseadmine ja sihikindlus on imetlusväärsed! Omast kogemusest tean, et ei tasu samas unustada õnne ega juhuslikkuse faktorit - minu elu olulisemad juhtumised on tulnud üllatuslikult, keskendudes muule. Ükskõik kui palju me ette ei mõtleks, on elul alati oma versioon sellest, kuidas asjad peavad minema :) Aga unistamine iseenesest teeb elu nii palju paremaks!

    1. Ka mina olen selles samas korduvalt veendunud, eriti viimasel paaril aastal. Samas usun, et sihtide seadmine ja unistamine aitab täpsustada, millises valdkonnas õnne vaja on - sa ei tea, kust tuleb lahendus, aga sa tead millis elu see lahendus peaks looma. Umbes nii.
      Püüan iga päev üha rohkem uskuda sellesse, et kui ma ajan oma asja, siis tulevad just need võimalused minu ellu, mida ma vajan.

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