
Refashionista: Bleached top

Bleaching something is always a gamble, since you never know what's going to come of it. I found this top on a thrifting spree last week, and I lover the pattern of the fabric, but the color was very unflattering on me. So I decided, I'll take the risk and bleach it.

I'm not entirely sure I'm happy with the way it came out, but I know it wouldn't have gotten much wear the way it was before. I do like the contrast between the two layers of the pattern, brings it out more I think.  What do you think? A change to the better or should I have let it be? I'm thinking I might dye it bright pink, but I haven't decided yet.


  1. I like this way better than the original color. I think you did a fantastic job!!

  2. Could you explain to us how you bleached it?

    1. I used a bleach powder that I put into hot water (about 70-80C) and then let it sit in the bleach water for about 15 minutes.

  3. looks lovely. the cream color definitely flatters you better and the differential lower layer makes it much more interesting as a top.

    1. I completely agree with you that the pattern of the fabric is so much more interesting after the bleaching.

  4. I really like the change! Neat.

  5. Were I you, I would go for pink! :) Now it's a little too boring if you ask me (but definitely better than before)

    1. Always nice to hear different opinions. I think I'm going for the pink, just to experiment with different ways of treating fabric.

  6. Wow. That turned out beautiful!!


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