
Refashionista: Chanel style jacket makeover

The day has finally come! I present to you my very own Chanel style jacket. It's one iconic piece I've always wanted to own, so when I found this potential fit at a thrift store for a whopping 1€ I was sold. It had a couple of serious flaws. First of all, it was a bit too wide in the waist, and I wanted to add a little something to make it more modern.

To solve the width issue, I increased the overlap in the front and added two button rows instead of one. I also added different kinds of chains to the pockets.

It was a pretty quick and easy refashion and it makes such a big difference. I haven't quite figured out how to style the jacket yet. I have a serious gap of white t-shirts in my wardrobe, that would be great in spring. I smell a wardrobe reinvention coming my way! :)


  1. It's really cute! Looks much better buttoned higher up as well.

    1. Thanks! I actually added a button to the very top as well, so I can button it up and wear it like a light spring jacket.


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