
My Style // A not-so-summery outfit

It seems that we're skipping summer this year here in Estonia. It's been cold, windy and rainy all week. Like, seriously cold, as in 12C°. So, instead on wearing cute summer dresses, skirts and shorts, I have to resort to wearing my winter gear, just in a more summery way.

I do hope summer will arrive shortly. Until then, you can find me in my favorite knits, preferably near a fireplace.

xo Hanna
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  1. It's same here in Latvia! June has been horrible so far. I wish it was sunny and warm again!

    1. Exactly! It seems that everyone else is having beautiful summer weather. Let's hope it'll get better.

    2. Not everyone :D. I´m from Czech Republic and these days are weird here too - when I look out of the window I see clouds and it seems like it´s going to rain, but when I return five minutes later, the sun is shining and the sky is clear :D.
      P.S.: I´m really sorry for grammar mistakes :).

    3. You're english seems to be perfect, so don't worry about it :). I guess it's weird in the Eastern part Europe then, but I do hope we're all going to get to enjoy some real sunshiny summer days.

  2. It's soooo cuuuute :) I love this skirt♥


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