
Creative10 No.3 // What's the main thing?

Creative10 is a 10-week long personal challenge to enhance my creativity through a different medium. I chose painting because it's something I haven't tried before and it challenges me to open up creatively, and find new ways to express myself. It's also a form of creative therapy to help me get more in contact with my emotions and thoughts.

Already week 3 of this challenge, and I'm thinking it's my last watercolor painting. I actually did two painting today, but I thought I'd share the one that actually had a story behind it. The other one was just me playing around with colors. Which is also part of this challenge, but maybe not so interesting for you to see.

A friend reminded me of this quote yesterday, and I can't seem to get it out of my head. It's been spinning in my mind all day. The main thing really is to keep the main thing the main thing, because the main thing is the MAIN THING, right? I absolutely love this quote. I don't even remember how I stumbled on it, nor do I know who the author of it is (if anyone knows, tell me in the comments so I can give credit). 
Do you know what my main thing is right now? It's making this space work for me. And by this space I mean the blog, and shop. I love doing this! I can't even tell you how much I love waking up in the morning and doing creative work. Coming up with projects, figuring out how to make them, picking the materials, creating it, and sharing it here with you. I love it when you love a project, when you get inspired to make it yourself. When you get inspired to MAKE something, it doesn't even have to be the exact project. Let me tell you a secret. I've only ever done about 2 projects I saw on other blogs, but I still love reading them, because they inspire me to make my own stuff. And that's so valuable.  

I have about a million ideas that I'd like to turn into real things. I want to develop e-books and e-courses, give live workshops, make up-cycled clothing and continue blogging. I love it so much, but if I can't turn this into a profitable business, I need to find something that brings home the bacon, you know?

So, to honor my one little word for the year, I found some courage in me over the weekend, and enrolled to win a scholarship to Marie Forleo's B-School. So, I know this is a long shot, but it's the only way I'll be able to afford it. It would mean the world to me, if you could take a look at my entry, and tell me what you think.  

Let's chat more in the comments!

xo. Hanna


  1. I just saw your entry last night through a link you posted on Twitter and I think it's wonderful. I've really enjoyed reading your bog for quite a while now, and seeing you take it to a next level over the last few weeks. I hope that you'll get this scholarship to help you reach that next level that you dream of. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

    1. I do hope we can both join :) It would be awesome! But, if not, I'll still do my very best to turn this into my job, so I can wake every morning feeling inspired. I think we need more people doing what they love and being inspired, because that kind of inspiration is contagious.

    2. I completely agree. I've been on the other side of things too (being in a tough situation and completely void of inspiration, in a way) and I know how hard it is, so not going back to that is part of my motivation to keep going and make my dreams come true.

      I just wanted to add that another thing you said in this post that had me coming back to read it again, is how you've only made 2 things from what you saw on other blogs but got so much inspiration for your own ideas and projects. This really stayed with me for these past couple of days, and I'm really finding inspiration in it. For so long, I've felt kind of guilty for reading (and pinning!) so many DIY project ideas and not really making any of them, but it's so true that they've triggered many other ideas & projects. I had never thought of it this way, so thank you for that.

      Anyway, had to come back and add this thought. Your posts and words are really giving me a lot to think about lately and I love it. Hope your week is going great so far! :)

    3. Thank you for coming back! I love it when a post turns more into a discussion than me just writing into what seems like and empty space. But, that's a whole other discussion :).

      My 2 things might be a little bit of an understatement, but given the years I've followed DIY blogs, it sure has been very few. Part of the reason is that being a blogger myself, I don't want to copy others. But, the other reason is that seeing other peoples creations usually activates all the right places in my brain, so I get a million of my own ideas. Sometimes it's the technique used that fires up the ideas, or the material, or the end result. It could be anything. I think learning new ways to make things is why I love tutorials. I don't have to necessarily need to make the exact thing, but I might use that technique for making something else.

      I hope to see you again in the comments section soon!

    4. Oh yes, that's what struck me in this post, too! I love to gather inspiration from reading sewing and DIY blogs but don't follow the tutorials exactly very often. I think that what I see allows me to find out how I could make the ideas floating in my head a reality.
      For exaple, how many times have you seen a bow belt tutorial on the Internet? There are plenty - but each and every one is somehow different. I love this variety! After all, there are no two identical human beings to be find and it seems to work with projects in a similar way ;)

    5. Just like there's no one way of doing something, there's always more room for ideas on the internet :)

  2. This is my husbands favourite saying : You have to Konzentrate yourself on the basics... "Du musst Dich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren"....on the main thing;-)

  3. Ich drücke dir so die Daumen, dass du alle deine Wünsche verwirklichen kannst! Ich finde, dass du unheimlich talentiert bist und wünsche dir nur das beste!
    Ich schreibe im Moment an meiner Doktorarbeit (Jura) und würde mir so wünschen, endlich wieder etwas mehr Zeit für Kreatives zu haben. Ich bin keine gute Näherin, habe mir für das Wochenende aber vorgenommen, dieses Projekt hier auszuprobieren:
    Mal sehen, ob es klappt! : )
    Viele Grüße aus dem nebligen München!

    1. Danke, Sabrina! Meine Daumen sind schon so verdrückt (ist nicht ein Wort, oder?), dass ich neue Daumen brauche :).
      Eine Doktorarbeit, das ist doch super! Viel Glück damit! Ich weiß es ist viel harte Arbeit. Ich hoffe du findest Projekte die du auch mit deine Zeitgrenzen machen kannst. Kreativität ist so wichtig, denke ich.

    2. Dieses Projekt, dass du gefunden hast, ist so toll! Ich moechte es auch ausprobieren :) Danke!


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