
This week was...

This week was good. I can't believe how different this week was from the last. I've been so much more energetic, determined, good-spirited and creative. In fact, I think I haven't created this much in months. I love the Creative10 project, and making stuff for my shop (another update is in the works) and for this blog. I feel like myself again. I hope it lasts.
This week was encouraging. My decision to take my blog and shop seriously has got me into full creative work mode. For the past 2 weeks I've made myself a to-do list for the week on Sunday, and tried to check off as many items as possible every day. As a result, I've worked 12-14 hour days, but I love it! I love waking up to my messy desk in our kitchen, opening my day-planner and getting to work. I also had a job interview this week - we'll see what comes of it. And, the biggest news of all, I got a singing engagement. I'm so excited about it, and can hardly believe it!
This week was creative. Not only do I have 2 shop updates in the works, I'm also creating a new blog-design, planning a big series for the blog, and I finally finished the sweater I've been knitting for the past month. Now I'm itching for a new knitting project. I don't think I'll be sharing the pattern for the sweater on the blog, since it didn't com out exactly as planned, and is a bit too complicated to do a DIY on, but I would love to create more simple knitting pattern for the blog. Any requests?
Also featuring me made pot holders.
This week was delicious. We're still going strong on our goal to try different recipes each week. I think we've made only a couple tried and true's over the last 4 weeks. Way to go Saar family! I'm so proud of us. Above is Rein's casserole (he'd never made one before).
Never mind the clock on the screen, this picture is form last Sunday
This week was new. Rein started a language course this week, which meant we'd wake up at 7am each day (which is pretty much unheard of, if you know me), and I have to admit I like this new rhythm, although the first few days were rough. I'm also sleeping much better now, since I'm actually exhausted by the end of the day. I would never have thought I'd like getting up early, and I can't say I love it (it's still hard), but I love the full day I have if I do. If I could only work on my creative goals, I'd have no trouble getting up to work anyway.

How was your week?
xo. Hanna
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  1. Mul on nii hea meel su pärast! Ma pidasin ennast mingi ajani läbinisti õhtuinimeseks. Aga just see tunne, kui palju rohkem jõuab tehtud, kui ärgata veidigi varem, pani varasema arvamise tõsiselt kahtluse alla. Nakatun su energiast ja hakkan ka korralikumaks :)

    1. Ma pean end ka sisemas ikka pigem õhtuinimeseks...või siis pigem voodiinimeseks, et peaasi, et võimalikult kaua magada saaks :), aga see nädal on nii palju muutnud nii mu enesetundes kui unekvaliteedis, et hakka või hommikuinimeseks :D Jõudu sulle!


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