
Pearls and Scissors reader survey results!

TGIF, my friends! It's time to wrap up my little reader survey with some fun results. I actually had planned to post this yesterday, but I got so caught up in making pretty graphics and talking to my Mom via Skype (you know how it goes). Sometimes my need to tweak one little photo to "perfection" can just drive me crazy. Either way, I hope you enjoy this little summary!

First, would you just look at that map! The blue areas represent the countries that the blog has had visitors from over the past month (or so Google Analytics tells me). The darker the blue, the more visitors. That map just makes me smile. I'm so happy I have readers from all over the globe. It would be so fun if you mentioned where you were from more often in the comments. Or just comment... Either way I'm excited!
 Most of you who took the survey have been here for a while. Which also makes total sense, because a) if you're new here, you probably won't think to fill out a reader survey right away, and b) I had very few reader at the beginning, so it naturally most of you joined during the last 2 years. I'm truly thankful for all of you who have stuck around, especially the ones that have been here from the early days. Your continues support means the world to me!
 This was the most interesting question for me. I've often thought about what I should write more about, what you find interesting, and what I maybe should blog less about. It's not a shocker for me, but it was interesting that Refashionista turned out to be your favorite with a cleat lead. I thought it would be more neck and neck with the crafting DIYs. I guess you love your refashions just a tad more.

What was also interesting was that the hair style posts aren't that popular. Maybe it's because I haven't done them in a while? They are the ones that get a lot of love over the web (Pinterest, other blogs), but I guess you are here more for the crafty stuff, which I totally get. Another thing that surprised me was the love for my Sewn feature and personal posts that don't get that many comments always, but it's good to know you still enjoy them.

I loved reading all your comments about what you'd love to see more of on the blog. There were some interesting insights there and a couple of really good ideas, so thanks for sharing your thoughts!
This question was one part getting to know what type of craft DIYs you'd love to see more of, and one part research for an idea I had (more on that coming soon). I guess we're all sort of soul mates or something, because the lefthand graph is actually the exact order of my preferences. And it's great so many of you want to get more into crafts and learn new things this year. You also mentioned you'd like to learn pottery (me, too!) and tatting (had to google that one),  and basket weaving. Well, I can't help you with all of them, but I am going to help you with some of them. I'm brainstorming and working on a concept for the blog that will help me do just that (oh, so secretive, aren't I).

Oh, and one last things. Do give Bloglovin' a chance, will you. I've been using it as a blog reader for over a year now and I really like how easy it is to keep up with my favorite blogs, save the posts I love for later reference, and find new blogs to read. I noticed that a lot of you are relying on Facebook to get the latest news from me, but since Facebook only shows my posts to about 20% of people liking the page, I'm afraid that's not the best way to keep you updated. I'd hate it if you'd have to miss some of the posts because of Facebook's strange algorithms.

It was so helpful reading through your answers, so thank you so much for participating!

I do have big plans for the blog this year, and lots and lots of DIYs and tutorials planned, so I hope you'll follow along.

xo. Hanna


  1. Oh no I never filled out the survey!
    love from Canada

    1. It's ok, Lauren! There will always be next time ;)


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