
Style Pearls // Burgundy and jeans

 I've got to admit, being unemployed does absolutely nothing for my style. These days, it's good if I get dressed at all, let alone choose an outfit. It's amazing how style-senseless I can get when i have nowhere to go. I'm guess I'm one of those "lazy" people who can wear pj's for days unless there's a need to put actual pants on. And, that's all good, but I'm getting so bored with my outfit choices lately. It's the same old sweater and jeans all the time.

Part of my frustration is due to my much smaller wardrobe after the move. And, while it's easier having less clothes and there for less options (I totally get why people love a capsule wardrobe), I find myself in a style rut. I don't think getting more clothes is an answer though. Rather, I think a few wardrobe reinvention experiments might do the trick.
We took these pics on one of our walks last week in our neighborhood. It was a little bit weird posing for photos while people were passing by. I don't know if I'll ever get used to that. Every time I do, it's just awkward. Oh, the things we do for get good blog photos, right? Speaking of which, I think Rein is constantly getting better at this blog photography thing. I don't know what I'd do without him. Thanks, hun!
 What I wore // Sweater - refashioned / Jeans - gift from Mom / Bag - thrifted from vintage Humana (added strap) / Shoes - Tamaris (a couple of years old) / Owl earrings - Christmas gift from hubby
In other news - I need to re-dye my hair badly. It's growing like crazy for some reason. I dyed it only a month ago, but I've already a 2cm outgrowth at least. My hair has never grown so fast, so I'm just in awe. Also, I have no idea where to get natural henna and indigo around here. Funny thing is, I just bought like a year's supply back at home, and forgot to pack it. That's so like me!

Have any of you tried a capsule wardrobe? I'm kind of forced into it right now, so I'd love to hear your thoughts.

xo. Hanna

P.S! Thanks to An Geli Ka for the new feature name! I'm going to send you a special treat, so look out for an e-mail from me :)

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  1. I am seriously surprised that you did not find henna in Germany yet. They have some of the better shops when it comes to natural products. If you can't find in you city, then maybe try a bigger city in one of your weekend trips.

    1. It's not that I haven't found it. It's just that I don't know where to go looking. Surely there's a place in Cologne that has it.

  2. Hi Hanna !
    Schön, dass Dir meine Idee gefallen hat !! Super !

    Da ich nicht gerne einkaufen gehe, habe ich sehr wenig Kleidung. Meist bekomme ich von meiner Schwägerin oder Nichte noch gute Sachen, die sie nicht mehr tragen wollen und zu schade sind zum weg werfen. Ich versuche meine Garderobe möglichst klein zu halten. Wenn ich etwas neues bekomme oder kaufe, kommt etwas dafür weg, was ich schon länger nicht mehr getragen habe. Ich glaube auch, je weniger desto besser ist es und macht keinen Styling-Stress ;-)). Die Haare sehen gut aus, auch wenn es heraus wächst. Meine wachsen auch fast 1,5cm im Monat. Deshalb trage ich sie lang und lass sie nur alle halben Jahre mal schneiden. Zum Friseur gehen finde ich genauso Verschwendung wie Kleidung kaufen ;-)). Mein Geld gebe ich lieber für Reisen aus.
    LG Geli....looking forward to your email.

    1. Ich mag auch Klamotten kaufen nicht. Es ist immer so anstrengend und dann musst du dich in diesen großen Spiegeln anschauen, und das macht mich manchmal sehr körperbewusst. Secondhand shops mag ich viel besser, aber da kann ich auch manchmal zu viel einkaufen. Und dann habe ich mehr Kleidung als ich tragen kann.
      Meine Haare haben immer so langsam gewachsen, aber diesmal ist es anders. Wenn ich meine Haare lang habe, gehe ich auch nur 2-3 mal im Jahr zu Friseur.


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