
Words for the Week // No.22

To keep my one little word for the year in my mind, I decided that January's words for the week will be about courage. 

Getting more courageous is not an easy task. Courage to me is not about not feeling fear, but rather about embracing the fear and doing something despite it. Taking that step that scares the life out of you. Funnily enough, most of the time these steps can look small to other people. How many times have you been asked "What are you afraid of?" or been said "There's nothing to be scared of". It's hard to understand others' fears sometimes. Because, fear is a creation of our mind, and our minds are full of very different thoughts.

One of the things I'd like most to accomplish this year is taking a few super scary steps towards my singing career. I don't know how much of a part singing will play in my future life, but I do know I will always regret it when I don't at least try. I must admit, my not getting into Cologne university gave my confidence a huge blow. It's taken me months to start dreaming of singing again. Thinking that maybe, despite what I've heard over and over again, I can create a career where singing fits in. At this point, my only goal is get better at it, and find singing opportunities. We'll see how that goes.

What's the step you're afraid of but would still love to take?

xo. Hanna


  1. Two years ago my family moved with my husbands work. Unable to get a regular job, I decided to devote myself to my dream of writing. Two years later, I feel as though I have been kicked down much more than I can handle. I have another 18 months before I have to get a 'real job' and am working to get myself together to make one more go of it. It's scary, particularly after rejections and disappointments, but I know I will always hate myself of I don't keep trying.

    1. That is a challenge, but please keep at it! From what I've read, you're an amazing writer, so don't give up. There's a saying in Estonia that if you don't get in through the door, just use the window :). Sometimes we get caught up in the way we think things should go. I always thought that getting into a university was the only way to be a singer, but I'm finding out, that there are no guarantees, and there are other ways. Maybe that's true for you as well in some form or another. Good luck!

  2. Keep trying, Hanna! You'll know it was worth it, when your dreams come true :)


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