
Sunday Spirit // Little steps go a long way

I feel I've been making progress this week. When I wrote that post on Monday, I really felt defeated. No job, no plan and a lot of worry. But, I was determined to get out of that rut and start feeling more like myself. I know that only I can make things better for myself. Yes, there are a lot of things that just feel lucky in our lives, but we still have to open ourselves up for those possibilities.

I decided today, that I will start work tomorrow. How the hell are you going to find a job in 12 hours you might ask? Well, you see, I already have a job. I have a shop. A functioning e-shop that I've been neglecting for the past few weeks. I've been so caught up in finding a "real" job, that I completely forgot that I actually have my own business. Truth be told, I'm probably the worst employee of the month right now, and that's not ok. It's time to stop doubting myself and start really working on those big goals.

I'm not saying I'll stop looking for a "real" job - we still need that financial stability right now. But, I might as well make the most of my time until then. I hope you'll be here to cheer me on! (Also, feel free to share my shop link with family and friends. How's that for my first marketing efforts?)
We've been trying to cope with the stress we both feel right now by taking daily walks together. Just to get outside, move and breath some fresh air. It's been so good. Especially when the sun shines during our walk and we get to talk about good stuff. Like making something yummy for dinner, or planning a party with friends. I think it's so important to make room for and remember those good things in our lives even in times of stress and tension. Sometimes, it doesn't take much to make a happy life.
Speaking of yummy... One of our New Year's goals was to cook something new every week. If you don't know this yet, I don't like cooking. If I could have it my way, I would hardly ever cook anything. But lately I've realized that a big part of why I don't like to cook is that I make the same things over and over and it's boring. We've been watching a lot (like a lot) of Master Chef lately, and I've been feeling more inspired to try new recipes. So far, we managed to make even more than one new dish each week and I hope we can keep that up. One my favorite dishes from the last couple of weeks was the pesto chicken pasta with rucola tomato and mango salad pictured above, and the best brownies I've ever made (or eaten) using this recipe.
I've also been making progress on my sweater. This one is coming along slowly, but steadily. I hope that once it's ready I can share the pattern with you as well. I usually make my own patterns when knitting, because every time I've tried to use an existing pattern, I've failed horribly. The most painful fail was the sweater I spent 3 months secretly knitting for Rein last Christmas, which turned out to be 3 sizes too big. Ouch! Needless to say (pun intended), I lost my will to knit for a while after that.

How was your week, friends!

xo. Hanna

P.S! Thanks to all who took the time to respond to the reader survey! It's now closed. I'll be posting a summary of the results some time next week.


  1. Hanna, I have a little encouragement for you: My aunt lost her job a few years ago due to employee reductions. She kept looking for a new one for half a year despite her high qualifications and long experience. But then, quess what! She found a new job and it was a 10 minute walk away from where she lives (previously she commuted for 2 hours daily) and it was better paid! How's that for an encouragement?

    It was funny to find out you don't fancy cooking. Well, me neither. But I love to bake :) Thanks for the muffin recipe (although I'm not sure I'll be able to use it - I don's speak Estonian, LOL) I could eat a ton of them! That's not good for my hips, I guess :D

    1. Thank you for the encouraging story. I keep thinking the same thing, that there must be something better out there, I just haven't found it yet. I'll keep my chin high, and hopefully, it'll something will turn up soon :)


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