
Touched by time

Song and Dance Celebration procession
The last week has been full of deep emotions and magic, and I really wanted to share the reason behind it with you. So, today's post is a little different from my usual posts, but this is something I feel so passionate about as an Estonian that I simply must share.

This weekend, Estonians celebrated their unique Song and Dance Celebration, a tradition that started in 1869 and for 3 days brings together 1/10 of the whole population. Yes, I said 1/10, that is not a typo. An estimated 153 000 people out of our tiny population of 1.3 million people gathered to be a part of the song and dance celebration concerts. Over 20 000 singers formed the worlds biggest choir and sang for over 11 hours in total. The Song and Dance Celebration is so unique that it is part of UNESCO's List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
This was my first time attending the song celebration as a visitor. Usually I'm up on the stage with all the 20 000 singers, so it was a special year for me. I loved being able to take in all that emotion, although I did miss being on the stage a bit. The feeling of being one of those 20 000 who sing as one is something that cannot be described in words. You just have to experience it.
The first concert was simply magical! This concert is for selected choirs, and this year they sang a song from every past song celebration (this one was the 26th). I sang along to all the songs I know, and yes, I cried during some of them. What can I say, music moves me. You can here one of the most touching songs of the concert here.
Sunday was hot! There were so many people packed onto the festival grounds that there was hardly any room to move around. People were literally sitting side by side just to fit everyone. You can see the panorama of the festival grounds and here some of the singing here.
Joint Choirs - There's so many singers that you can't distinguish the line between them and the audience
For me, the most special part of the concert are the songs sung by the joint choirs. These songs are almost always the same, every singer knows them by heart. These songs are so powerful that they always bring tears into my eyes. Estonians are mostly modest and hardly show their feeling, but the Song and Dance celebration makes us all emotional. I felt really proud to be an Estonian.

This year's celebration was titled "Touched by time. The time to touch". It also sums up what I felt - deeply touched.

Thanks for letting me share!

xo Hanna


  1. It was interesting to learn something about Estonian traditions. I must admit I don't know a lot about your country. But maybe one day I will be able to visit Estonia, who knows... ;) I really enjoyed listening to the song :)

    1. Well, the next Youth Song and Dance celebration is in 2 years, and the next general Song and Dance Celebration is in 5 years, so start planning your trip! ;)

  2. I love following your blog and learning about Estonia. Thank you for sharing this video

    1. I'm so glad that you like it. I sometimes hesitate to post these type of content, because I don't consider P&S a lifestyle blog per se, but I've started to enjoy sharing more of my life and Estonian life here on the blog.


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