

I've always been one of those people who don't believe in anything they can't see or feel. I believe in people, in love, and in friendships, but not in fate or some cosmic power making out my destiny. But, lately, something has started to shift in me. The choices I've been faced with, the completely unexpected route my life has taken has got me thinking. Every once in a while I find myself thinking "How did I get here?". I know how I got here, it all makes perfect sense, yet, it doesn't make sense at all. Do you know what I mean? I'm constantly surprised by the way my life has panned out, and I can't even imagine what lies ahead.

People often say if you have a clear vision of your future and work toward it, you will eventually get there. And I believe in visions, in dreams that take us further. But, what I've come to realize is that we don't know how to create that vision, because we can't possibly see the curveballs life has in store for us. When I think back on my dream and vision that I had 5 years ago for my present day, I can only laugh, because there is not one single thing from that vision that has come true. Except me still being alive. But, I'm not complaining. My life now is actually better than I visioned. It's completely different, but so much more fulfilling. 

I'll still be dreaming and visioning my future, but I'm starting to happily welcome those curveballs, because they often take me to a better place. Even if it is through a challenging time. I know that a beautiful life is waiting for me on the other side. Life is good.


Refashionista - Tote bag makeover

I think I've never restyled a bag before. I've recycled a bag from a pair of old trousers, but I haven't remade an existing bag. But this red tote I found at my favorite thrift store really needed some spark. It was just too boring to wear. So, I added some studs and a funky closure to spice things up.

For the studded corners I used 4 different sized studs I bought from my local haberdashery. I also bought a closure, cause for some reason the bag had a hole on the flap, but no closure. What!? That was odd. I didn't find a fold closure big enough for the hole, so I improvised, and added a tassel to make it bigger.

I used a hole puncher to make small holes before inserting the studs, and later, once all the studs were in place, glued a leather triangle to the inside of the flap to cover the backs of the studs.

I'm loving this bag now! It's the perfect size for school, since I carry all of my life around with me, and apparently I need a lot of stuff to live. This was such a simple makeover process, and the end result is so cool. I think I'm starting to turn into a I-need-to-remake-everything-I-own type of person. I wonder what's next...

Have a crafty weekend, my friends! I'll see you soon!


Style your own statement necklace

When we were putting together this outfit with Mari Krõõt, we realized neither of us had the perfect statement necklace to go with it, so Mari Krõõt figured out this clever solution. You could just turn your other necklaces and brooches into a stunning statement piece, and what's even better, you can customize it and re-create it whenever and however you want. It just takes a little bit of imagination!

We used 2 necklaces, one bracelet and a brooch to create my statement piece. I love how it turned out! Makes me want to try other combinations from my existing accessories. 

Happy creating!


Color appreciation

The one thing that this period in my life has made me appreciate, is the people in my life. They are the true colors of my life that make it worth living. I want to say thanks you to all of you who read my last post, thought of me, and who took the time to write to me. I appreciate every thought that came my way. You really are the best!

What I've also realized is that change can be a good thing. I helps us to explore the sides of ourselves that we weren't as familiar with before. Change is what helps us grow. So, it's only appropriate that this style post is a little out of my comfort box. Namely, I let my new roommate (who, by the way, is the best roomie one could have) put this outfit together for me. I was a little bit apprehensive at first, to be honest - it's so hard to let go. I'm a control-freak, what can I say! But, I really loved the whole outfit. Especially the special necklace Mari Krõõt created (post coming).

I felt great in this look! Funny thing how dressing confidently can boost your confidence. I loved that i had the courage to let go a little, try something new, and work it. Which only proves, that we should all try something new every once in a while. Or, why not make it a challenge to try one new things every week. I think my life would be so much more colorful if I did. 

Have a wonderful Sunday, friends!

Outfit details:
Dress - thrifted skirt (styled 6 ways here)
Vest - from my brother's younger years
Boots - vintage from my Mom
Necklace - created by Mari Krõõt


Endings & Beginnings

Photo by Taavi Paal
It's the season of change. I've always been afraid of it. Not knowing what's ahead, making hard decisions and jumping into the unknown IS scary. What I've realized, though, is that there is no growth without change. There can be no success without taking risks. And no dreams can come true when we're too scared to follow them.

I've been meaning to write this post for about a month, but it's too hard to find the right words to express what I'm feeling. Then I realized - there are no RIGHT words, there are just words.

In many ways, this period in my life has been about ending one chapter and beginning another. You've probably noticed the sporadic posting and the little changes in the blog layout. But that's just one tiny change in the see of changes. Where do I even begin?

One thing you might have noticed is that Elle is no longer posting on the blog. If you're thinking we had a falling out, rest assured we are still friends. Elle is just one of those people who knows how to set priorities in her life, and I admire her for that. She realized that blogging was not her passion, and that she needed to devote more of her time to her true passion - music. I totally support her in this decision - you need to be committed to your dreams to make them a reality. Maybe you'll spot her here once in a while, but she will no longer be co-authoring the blog.

I also closed my shop. Whether this is a temporary or permanent change is yet to be seen. As much as I loved developing my products, I did not love the everyday work of managing my own online shop. And finally, it all comes back to the same priorities. I need to make singing my top priority, and that means letting go of things that take me away from it.

Day 30: in the see of change
Whilst change can be good, some choices are harder than others to make. This summer I made the hardest decision I've ever had to make, and I'm still trying to cope with the aftermath of it. But, I felt it was time to let go, and let myself begin the pursuit of happiness in another shape and form. I debated long and hard whether or not to write about it here on the blog. I'm not writing this to get sympathy. I've poured so much of myself into this blog that it felt wrong to simply ignore something so life-altering. I don't even know how to say it, so here goes... I decided to give up the biggest part of my life - my love of 10 years.
There are a lot of people who don't understand me. To those people I can only say - don't judge before you've been there. But, what I've also found is that I have so many amazing people in my life - my persons - who have been there for me through everything. To them I'd like to say - thank you from the bottom of my heart! You will never know how much your support means to me.

I don't want to go into further detail at this point or discuss it here on the blog, but since this blog is a big part of me, I thought this period in my life should be reflected here somehow.

Thanks for reading!


DIY Red Waterfall Earrings

It's been a while since I last posted a jewelry tutorial, so I'd say this one's been long overdue. I haven't really made much jewelry at all lately, but thankfully my friend Ann asked me to make her a pair of red earrings for fancy occasions (that is not to say you can't wear these every day). And they are very easy to make -  a perfect project for someone taking their first steps in jewelry making.

This is what you'll need:

1. round nosed pliers
2. wire cutters
3. jewelry wire (I used 0.6mm wire)
4. earrings hooks
5. about 5-6cm of chain or enough to fit all your beads
6. 2 large glass beads
7. smaller beads in different shades (I used 10 per earring)

The steps are pretty self-explanatory. First attach the large bead to the earring hook. Then attach the chain to the large bead. And finally attach all the smaller beads to the chain. This is where you can play around. You could use different sized and color beads, and attach more than 1-2 beads per chain loop. Experiment a little and see what you like best. There are so many possibilities for variation.

I'm so glad Ann loved her new earrings. I think I might have to create something similar for myself as well. They do look gorgeous!


Refashionista: Circle cutout t-shirt

T-shirts are an endless source for refashions. I rarely wear a simple t-shirt, yet I love a comfy style, so adding a little oomph to an otherwise boring garment is one of my favorite things to do. This t-shirt was not really boring, rather than too cutesy with the deer on the front, and had some serious yellow stains that didn't come out in the wash.

I've been meaning to try out some cutout circles, and this t-shirt seemed just the right target for that kind of experimentation. So, I took three different size glasses out of the kitchen cupboard and got to work. I used the same basic technique as with the heart cutout tee, but instead of the heart shape I used the glasses as templates.

I think the idea itself is good, though I'm not extremely pleased with the end result. I think the biggest glass was a bit too big, and I should have maybe added even more circles. Right now they seem a little bit too random. What do you think? Yey or nay?


Featured in Estonian fashion magazine "Mood"

I'm so thrilled to announce that my zipper tee refashion is featured in the September issue of the Estonian fashion magazine "Mood" (which translated into English means "fashion"). Woot woot!!

Have a wonderful Sunday!


Refashionista: Knitted blouse remake

Today's makeover is all about small changes that make and old stretched out garment wearable again. The changes are really minor, but the effect is just what I was going for. So, if you have a t-shirt or other knit blouse with stretched out armpits and sleeves, you could also try out this fix.

The process was really pretty simple:

1. I cut off the sleeves.
2. I cut off the ribbed part of the sleeve ends plus 1 cm seam allowance.
3. I placed the ribbed part into the armpit and marked the length, then sewed the armpit smaller taking the blouse in from the side seams. I previously marked how far I needed to take in and how much.
4. I sewed the ribbed new "sleeve" into the armhole.
5. This is how the blouse looked after the inserted new sleeves.
6. To fix the fit of the new sleeves, I made 2 small diagonal seams on the ribbed portion as shown in the picture above.

Easy as pie, guys! Hopefully you got some ideas and inspiration for your own remakes.


Summer Style: Kadrioru Park

I'm well overdue with this post, but I'm so in denial that summer is ending. I'm really looking forward to the new school year, but I'm not ready for the weather to change. We've had a gorgeous summer around these parts, which is rather rare, so I'm having serious trouble letting it go. But, I can't stop nature. I already saw some yellow leaves. Sigh...
I guess we should make the most of these last summer days.

These pics were taken at the biggest and most beautiful park in Tallinn, the Kadrioru park. It's been my favorite nanny spot this summer. We've spent a lot of time there with my little friend, and she loves it, too.
Outfit details:
Dress - made by me
Jacket - thrifted
Belt - thrifted
Bracelet - made by me (tutorial here)

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