
Customize: Shoelaces from lace

I recently bought myself new sneakers. I'm don't usually wear sneakers much, but these were so adorable that I just had to have them. But, I didn't like the laces that much. They just weren't really ME. So, I made custom laces to make these sneaker my own. Now I'm in love!

If you'd like to make yourself some custom laces, here's the step by step tutorial:

1. You need lace (or pretty ribbon or, why not, some strips of fabric), tape and scissors.
2. Measure and cut two strips of lace. The length should be about 3-5 cm longer than the original shoelace. Twist the end of the lace strip as much as you can holding the tip firmly in your hand.
3. Put the twisted end carefully (don't release it!) under the tape and fold the tape over the twisted section about 2cm from the tip. Make sure to fold tightly and then cut the tape close to the strip. Now the tip of the lace is secured.
4. Roll some more tape over the existing tape. Roll it for 3-5 rounds. Make sure it's tight.
5. Now you should have a firm lave tip. Steps 3 and 4 take a bit of practice and a lot of patience.
6. Cut the tip of the lace that's not covered with tape. Repeat steps 2-6 with the other 3 lace tips.

Now put them on your shoe and enjoy your very own custom laces!


  1. Replies
    1. You like the sneakers? Me, too! I got them in a supermarket in Savonlinna, Finland on sale for 10€. A very sweet deal! :)


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