
On Birthdays and Blogging

Hei there! Remember me? I can't blame you if you don't. I know it's been a while. I'm sorry!

My birthday was last week. I'm once again a year older, 26 to be exact. This time of year always gets me thinking about the choices I've made in life and how they have affected who I've become. I've never been much of a believer when it comes to fate, but lately I've been wondering about all the crossroads in my life and how taking another route would have changed my journey completely. And the more I think about it, the more I feel that everything in my life has come at the right time. It hasn't always been easy and there have been countless times, when I have cursed my fate and wished I had made one choice or another. But in the end, it all turns out as it should. And every experience has taught me something about myself. Every year I manage to surprise myself, and it's such a wonderful feeling to know that there's more to me than even I can imagine. I know that this year of my life will be full of crossroads and hard choices. I'm both excited and scared, but I know it'll all work out in the end.

I'm sure many of you have noticed the slow pace on the blog these past couple of months. As much as I love sharing my projects and inspiration with you, real life is more important to me. And real life has been busy as hell. I do have a couple projects to share (you can see a sneak peek in the photo above), so stick around, there's more to come.

I'll see you soon!


  1. Who doesn't get busy??? Who of us wouldn't understand? I always admire your insight - it's rich beyond your years - no matter when you share it. It's true I miss your regular posts - but it makes more special those times when you do write! Supply & demand, girlie!! BTW - dress is lovely - awesome orange/salmon! Makes me hungry for canteloupe - which is finally ripe here in USA! Perfect color for you!! Keep wearing it! Happy birthday, Hanna!!! And many more! xo, Martha

    1. Thank you, Martha, for all the kind words! They really mean the world to me. It's always hard for me to let go of my initial vision and goals. Feels a little bit like giving up, but I've learnt over the years, that you need to priorities, you simply can't do it all.

  2. Your new projects sound exciting, I really like the colour of your dress.
    Everyone gets busy, when my exams roll around my blog is bound to get a little neglected!


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