
Me, Myself & I: Days 3-5

Day 3: Me and a corner of the sky
Day 4: Just a glimpse
Day 5: My space
I'm slowly getting along with the self-portrait photography challenge. It's already been a learning experience, and I've taken more selfies just for fun looking for new angles and ideas. The best part is, that every photo has an emotion behind it. I remember what I was thinking and feeling when I took that shot. I guess pictures really are just a collection of our memories, thoughts and emotions.

Has any of you also joined the challenge? If you have, how is it going?


  1. I'm doing this on my Instagram. It's funny that you should mention it, I can remember exactly what I was feeling when I look back at my photos too. I was a little reluctant at first to join in, but I'm really liking the challenge to think up new ways of photographing myself. Your photos are beautiful!

    1. Instagram is the one train I haven't jumped on :) I was also a little hesitant about the challenges. Taking selfies every day does seem a little bit ego-centrical, but it is a good way to learn something new about photography, and also about yourself.


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