
5 thoughtful Mother's Day gifts for the forgetful

Here's the thing - I'm very bad at remembering important dates. I often forget someone's Birthday or a holiday. I always mean to be very prepared, and I love giving meaningful gifts, but it always sort of happens that I just forget to prepare. So, usually, I end up getting my gifts last minute. It's an awful habit, I know. And, I'm doing my best to change it, but if you're a little bit like me, here are a few ides to help you out of that pickle and still give a thoughtful gift this Mother's Day.

1. Give your time! I'm sure that all our Moms would appreciate some more time with us. Everyone's lives are so busy these days. There hardly seams to be time to even visit family. Go and hang out with your Mom! Take her to a cafe or spa, or to see a play. I'm sure she would greatly appreciate that.

2. Donate on her behalf. I know Mother's are givers, and everyone keeps saying to give to Mother's on that day, but in the light of recent events in the world, it might not be a bad idea to take the opportunity to help our Mother's give even more to the world.

3. Make a family photo. When was the last time you had a family photo taken? I know that doesn't happen all too often in our family. Or, maybe take a photo with your siblings. It would be a nice addition to the ones of you when you were little. We've tried to do it every couple of years, and my Mom has them beside each other. It's fun to see how we've grown.
Why not have a photographer pay a quick visit to you on Mother's Day? Or, take a trip to a studio near by.

4. Plant a tree. A tree has a special meaning. It's a symbol of life, and I'm sure your Mother would love a reminder of the life she helped create into this world every time she looks at the your tree.

5. Give her an experience. I think things are over-valued. Most of us don't need more things. Yes, those scented candles are a nice touch, but our experiences are what build us. So, enrich her life with a new experience. Whether it's a gift card to her first Yoga lesson, a ticket to the opera, or a crafting course (wink wink!), she'll love experiencing something new.

I hope you'll remember to (at least) call your Mom on Sunday, and let her know how appreciated and loved she is.

xo. Hanna

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