
Simple shoe restyle

This post is just another example of the fact that I have to make over, refashion, or restyle every single thing I own. It's a serious medical condition, but fortunately it almost always results in something pretty, so I'm not really complaining (yet).

Adding custom shoelaces is the most simple restyle, and it's a great way to add some personality to your shoes. Aren't my shoes cute with the new coral ribbon laces? Ribbons and lace, that's what I love. You can find the tutorial for making your own custom shoelaces right here. Have fun restyling!


  1. Fun idea! It is like you have a new pair of shoes! I liked looking around at your refashion posts. I am a new follower!

    1. Hi Lisa! Welcome! So nice to have you here!
      It is great how one simple change can have such a huge effect :).


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