
Refashionista: Flower embellished cardigan another way

A good refashionista knows how to create different variations with the same technique, so I thought I'd share this cardigan refashion that uses the same principle as this tutorial, but leaves the cardigan in one piece.

Instead of cutting the material for the flowers from the same cardigan, you could use a different source. Find an old t-shirt that matches your cardigan, as I did with this one, or why not use a contrasting or complimentary color to make the flowers. The possibilities are endless, it's all a matter of your creativity!

Summer is definitely a cardigan season around these part, so I hope this inspires you to give your old cardigans a new look for the upcoming season.


  1. Hi. am looking for ideas to be creative with my cardigans and came across your blog. I really like what you did here.

  2. Hi. am looking for ideas to be creative with my cardigans and came across your blog. I really like what you did here.


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