
His and Her Style: The perfect weekend

Hanna's wearing: Houndstooth jacket - hand-me-down from Elle // Jeans - Miss RJ // Scarf - really old // Shoes - Carmens with custom me-made laces (tutorial here) // Earrings - made by me (tutorial coming)


Rein's wearing: Trousers, Jacket - thrifted // Scarf - Reserved // T-shirt - refashioned (post coming)  // Shoes - Kangol

We've had perfect spring weather all weekend. Warm, sunny, and quiet - everything you could ever wish for. So, naturally, we haven't done anything useful all weekend. The only reasonable thing to do with this weather is to enjoy it!

Friday was spent being lazy. You know the days when putting on anything other than PJ's seems completely pointless? That was Friday. On Saturday we met up with Rein's Mom to plan my wedding dress. She's a talented seamstress, so I'm trusting the making of my wedding dress into her hands. Later we met up with some friends and enjoyed pancakes and ice cream (overkill, I know). Today we took a stroll along the seaside and it was heavenly. I haven't been on a swing for ages, and I think I found my favorite ice cream for the summer. Perfection.

How was your weekend? Did you enjoy being lazy or did you get things done?

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  1. Mis jäätise sa leidsid? Ja ma tahaks lugeda rohkem sellest kleidi valmimisest ja üldse pulmaplaneerimisest! :)

    1. Tikrijäätise, oli vist Balbiino oma. Rohelise ümbrisega ja väga mõnusalt hapukas-magus. Kleidi valmimisest kirjutan pikemalt siis, kui ta ükskord valmis on :). Ja pulma planeerimisest ka siis, kui asi ükskord ühel pool. Siis saab sinna juurde panna ka oma hinnangud ja muljed, et mis ja kuidas toimis.


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