
This is us

I feel that I haven't really been honest with you for a long time. The reasons behind my secrecy are complicated and somewhat confusing, but that's not the point. The point is, that I haven't felt authentic, and that's not a good feeling. I think that is also part of the reason why I've lost touch with blogging. What is there to say when you can't be honest? So, I decided to share my news with you and start with a clean slate.

I'm engaged! Some of you had a hint of suspicion of me having a significant other in your comments back in December. Well, you were right. There is someone very significant in my life, someone I'm looking forward to spending my whole life with.

You may very well be surprised. The last 6 months have been a roller-coster to say the least, but it's brought me to the right place. I'm glad I had the courage to make the hard decisions I made. Sometimes you have to let good things fall apart so better things can fall together. He is my best friend, my biggest fan and supporter, the sunshiny side of me.

Thank you for letting me share the most important part of my life with you!

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