
Sunday Spirit: The journey of change

I've been thinking a lot about change lately. Changes that have happened in my life, my thoughts, my perspectives, even my hopes and dreams. Sometimes I forget, that change is the only constant in life. Everything that we experience makes a little dent in our minds and therefor changes us in a way. If you think about it that way, change feels a natural part of life, doesn't it? Yes.... but why then is it so hard to accept?

Change is so dear to my heart right now because this year will be a wonderful journey for me, full of expected, and certainly, unexpected changes. I'm not only preparing to take a new step towards my dream career as a singer, but I'm also preparing to take the biggest leap of faith with the man I love. And to top it off, I'm preparing to move to a new country. I'm full of change these days, you might say, and I've got to be honest, it scared the crap out of me at first.

As I thought about this, I made a conscious decision to welcome change. Sometimes it's like taking a step in a dark room, but then again, you never know what greatness you might stumble upon. And, since change is about to occur anyway, I'd rather embrace it than be afraid of it. I should probably write that on my mirror...

What's your relationship with change? Are you welcoming it with open arms, or rather waiting anxiously? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

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  1. I too am in a season of change. It's scary as hell, but being encouraged by your post and others to step into change, afraid or not, will hopefully bring about good for all of us!

    1. Thank you, Andrea, for sharing your thoughts! I hope the changes in your life will carry you further, because without change there's not growth, right? :)


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