
Color appreciation

The one thing that this period in my life has made me appreciate, is the people in my life. They are the true colors of my life that make it worth living. I want to say thanks you to all of you who read my last post, thought of me, and who took the time to write to me. I appreciate every thought that came my way. You really are the best!

What I've also realized is that change can be a good thing. I helps us to explore the sides of ourselves that we weren't as familiar with before. Change is what helps us grow. So, it's only appropriate that this style post is a little out of my comfort box. Namely, I let my new roommate (who, by the way, is the best roomie one could have) put this outfit together for me. I was a little bit apprehensive at first, to be honest - it's so hard to let go. I'm a control-freak, what can I say! But, I really loved the whole outfit. Especially the special necklace Mari Krõõt created (post coming).

I felt great in this look! Funny thing how dressing confidently can boost your confidence. I loved that i had the courage to let go a little, try something new, and work it. Which only proves, that we should all try something new every once in a while. Or, why not make it a challenge to try one new things every week. I think my life would be so much more colorful if I did. 

Have a wonderful Sunday, friends!

Outfit details:
Dress - thrifted skirt (styled 6 ways here)
Vest - from my brother's younger years
Boots - vintage from my Mom
Necklace - created by Mari Krõõt


  1. I love this look! I never would've thought of the vest over the dress but it looks great.

    1. I have a roommate with a great sense of style, what can I say :)

  2. The emerald green color suit you really nicely. This post made me want to own a vest for myslef :)

    1. A vest can really come in handy sometimes, and I love that it adds a little edge to the whole outfit. I found mine in my brother's old clothes, dating back to the time he was in elementary school :D

  3. Truly love it, you look beautiful ! I discovered this year too that it's ok to try things you never thought of! sometimes they suit you perfectly and you love them ;)

    1. So true, Afreen! Later you think why you never thought of it before. A lot of things have fallen in place for me that way :)


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