
Summer Style: Kadrioru Park

I'm well overdue with this post, but I'm so in denial that summer is ending. I'm really looking forward to the new school year, but I'm not ready for the weather to change. We've had a gorgeous summer around these parts, which is rather rare, so I'm having serious trouble letting it go. But, I can't stop nature. I already saw some yellow leaves. Sigh...
I guess we should make the most of these last summer days.

These pics were taken at the biggest and most beautiful park in Tallinn, the Kadrioru park. It's been my favorite nanny spot this summer. We've spent a lot of time there with my little friend, and she loves it, too.
Outfit details:
Dress - made by me
Jacket - thrifted
Belt - thrifted
Bracelet - made by me (tutorial here)


  1. Oh, that maxi dress is such an amazing color. And so perfect for the beautiful summer weather you guys seem to be having. Adding that olive gray blazer over the top was also a cute idea; the color combination goes wonderfully together. Hope that you enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Callie @ www.coffeeandcardigans.com

    1. Thanks for the compliments, Callie! Nice to hear from you around these parts. I saw all the changes you've been implementing on Coffee & Cardigans. Nice work! I think it's good your blog is evolving along side yourself. Change is good :)


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