

Today I turned 27. That's a weird feeling. Getting older is weird. I feel I'm the same person as I was when I turned 18, but in another sense, I'm totally different. I wish my selves from the past and future could someday sit down and talk. That would be a fun gathering. Oh, the stories they could tell each other... But, alas, although we can try to remember the past, there is no way of knowing the future. And, I think that is for the best.

Looking back on my 26th year on this earth, I can't stop but be grateful. Never in my life would I have thought I'd be here right now, doing the things I'm doing. Some thing I couldn't have imagined, and other I just wouldn't have believed. Above all, what I've learnt over the past year is that I have so many amazing people in my life who support and love me for who I am, and that they are the most important part of my life. Without them, I wouldn't be happy even if I got offered a role in the Metropolitan opera tomorrow.

In many ways, this has been the most difficult year in my life. But, after all the struggles, I'm happy and more certain than ever that this is my right path. The funny thing about life is, that the things that cause you trouble are usually the things worth fighting for. I hope I never forget that.

I'm ready for a new year, a new chapter, new challenges and new memories.

xo Hanna


  1. So you were born when I was 20. Now THATS getting older. Seems just a few years ago I was 16. As I tell my children, enjoy your youth because its the shortest time of your life. You'll be old much longer than you'll be young, God willing. And if you think you're changing now, just wait till menopause. Much to look forward too. Love the blog! Rock on...

    1. They say you're as young as you feel. But, you're absolutely right, the carefree years do fly by too fast. I wish I could go back an tell my 16-year-old self to relax and enjoy the ride. I'm doing my best to enjoy everything this season in life has to offer.
      But, speaking about being old. 40s are the new 30s, so no worries :P

  2. Hey, we're almost the same age! I have 5 months left until I turn 27. I'm glad things are going in the right direction for you. I'm making a lot of hard decisions in the year or so, also! It's nice to feel like others are going through life-changing decisions and events when I am, too.

    I love seeing the pictures you post - so beautiful! - and reading about your life. I know we have no idea who each other are, but I like how honest and open you are in sharing the struggles in life, too. *hug*

    I hope your next year is awesome!

    1. Hey, Kelly! Sometimes it is weird to write out in to the space, to people who I've never actually met. But, then again, I somehow feel that the people who stick around and comment every once in a while must be a little bit like me, at least in some ways.

      It's nice to to get to know you a little bit better as well. I think this time in our lives is a lot about change because we're realizing that the things we always dreamed about are either so near or so far, and it's high time to readjust our path if we're not moving in the right direction. I think that's the bigger reason behind all the huge changes that have happened in my own life in the past couple of years. I can't say "I'm going to do...." or "I'm going to be.... when I grow up" anymore and that has definitely made me take action.

      Thanks for the hug! :)

  3. No way, is 18th of June your birthday?! Now, that's super funny because it's MY birthday, too! :D What a coincidence! I was in the same class with a girl who was born on the exact day when I was born. We used to call ourselves twins ;)

    Happy birthday! I wish you that all your dreams come true :)

    1. heh :D, look how funny life is sometimes! Happy Birthday to you, too, and I wish a most wonderful, surprising and fulfilling year!

  4. Happy birthday Hanna. I just discovered your blog. You are beautiful and so multi-talented. My 27th year was one of the best and I hope yours is too. I have just gone through some rough years but all is good now, and I am thankful for that and being able to do what I love. My blog is Sew Terri. Keep doing what you love and enjoying life because that's what it's all about.

    1. Thank you, Terri! Welcome, I'm so glad you found Pearls & Scissors :).

      My Mom always says that every low is followed by another climb into the hights. I'm happy your doing better and enjoying life to the fullest!

      xo Hanna


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