
Sunday Spirit: A day in monochrome

It's been a busy sunday. A good busy. We had breakfast with my 2 best friends. These days it's rare that we all get to spend time together like this. But, when it happens, it's oh-so-good. Love you, gals!

Kärdu stayed to help me make some decorations for the wedding. That's a lot of drawing and cutting circles, and we only made a small dent into the to-do list. These are going to be some crazy busy weeks, and I can't wait for the big day. I'm just trying to soak in all in. It's so easy to get lost in the craziness of preparing for a wedding and forget to enjoy the process. Although it's super stressful, but I'm loving every moment. You only get to do this once, you know.

I'm off to do some paper folding now. I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

xo Hanna


  1. Tahtsin öelda, et pulmad ja kogu see ettevalmistus on ikka nii tore! :)

    1. Kusjuures on :), kuigi stressi on ka ikka omajagu ja aeg-ajalt näed unes, kuidas pulmapäeval sajab rahet või on kleit kadunud või mõni oluline detail ununenud. Aga nagu ikka, tegelikult saab kõik lõpuks olema imeilus.

  2. Kolmandal pildil on krõll! Kust leidsid?

    1. Välismaalt tellisin :P Lahe krõll on :D


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