
Q&A // All your questions answered (my first ever video blog!)

Oh.My.God! Am I nervous about today's post! It's my first ever video blog post, and I'm so excited (read scared). I've been thinking about making a video for ages now, and your questions seemed to be the perfect fit for the first try. I'm still a total newbie at this, so excuse my awkward hmmms and the length of the whole thing. I'll speak faster and more to the point next time, promise

Here's the link to the funny blog about Estonia I spoke about in the video. It's not active anymore, and you definitely can't take it too seriously, but it's good fun. I'm going to do a separate post about my favorite touristy places to visit in Estonia in the near future, so stay tuned for that as well.

Let me know what you think in the comments below! And kudos to you if you watch the whole 15 minutes :)

xo Hanna


  1. Your English is perfect! Good show! :)

  2. Nii tore vaatamine! Huvitav on näha, kuidas inimene jutust ja piltidelt saab päris inimeseks. Ja lisaks mõnusale jutule pean mainima, et sa nägid ka väga hea videos välja :)

    1. Hmm...mul oli tunne, et ma juba vastasin sulle, aga ju siis mitte. Tänan komplimendi eest! Eks see paras eneseületus oli, aga mul on hea meel, et sellega ühele poole sain. Järgmised on juba sedavõrd lihtsamad.

  3. I agree w Melissa - your english is very good, a nice large vocabulary :-) Though I do think your accent sounds very interesting, like fancy? I don't think I know anyone else with a similar accent, but I do like it :-)

    Thank you for sharing your views w us. I must say, coconut is not one of my favourite flavours, but I do like chocolate!

    I look forwards to seeing what you come up w next - and I'd happily watch another video, it was interesting to see your body language :-)

    Good luck w your move on Friday! Scary but exciting! Please make sure to post about how wonderful a place you move to is - I don't know much about Europe as a whole let alone the individual countries.

    1. Fancy, eh? :) We are taught the English way at school, so I guess it's how my Estonian tongue translates a British accent :D.

      Oh, and I defy you to not like this coconut ice cream. It's really especially good. But, they also have a milk chocolate flavor that's very delicious.

      I think that now that I'm over the first hump, there will be more vidoes, I'm thinking about doing some tutorials in video form as well some day. We'll see...

      I'm almost all packed. Just need to figure out the densest way to pack all my sewing supplies. I'd hate to have to buy everything new, but by the looks of it, the car trunk is already full with what I have packed so far. May the packing Gods be ever in my favor :).

  4. It was nice to 'meet' you via video! Being British myself I found your accent a mix of British/American/Something else (probably Estonian...)!
    I like watching videos so I'd be happy to see more in the future - video tutorials sound good.

    Hope your packing goes well. I moved from the UK to France last year by plane and there's still so many things at my parents in England that I need to drive over and get... like my guitar :)

    1. There's nothing like moving form one country to another to make you painfully aware of how much stuff you have (and feel you need). Luckily, I get to go by car, so I can take way more than by plane. I couldn't even imagine life without a sewing machine.

      I hope you'll get round to moving your beloved things!

  5. Congratulations on your first video. I'd love to learn about the touristy places as well as the hidden gems of Estonia! :] // ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲

  6. Thank you Hanna!

    It was nice to have you answer the questions through the video :) And Yes your English is very good indeed!

    1. I'm glad you liked it! I'll definitely plan on more videos in the future :)

  7. It was a real pleasure to hear you speak! :)
    Funny thing, I knew that your English is VERY good from reading your posts, but I think I imagined that your accent must be similar to how people in my country speak... but it's so differnt! Anyway, I'm amazed by how fluent it was ;)

    I loved the fact that you learn crafts at school in Estonia. It's so needed, yet we have so little of it in Poland... In my case, my interest in sewing and crafting didn't originate from school lessons at all. If I wasn't keen on it myself, I think I would possibly be discouraged by our teacher... Sad but true.

    I love the bookcase in the background, LOL :)

    Hope you'll share some more videos in the future!

    1. Thanks, Ola! I'm glad you liked the video. And, I guess every country's accent is a bit different.

      The things about teachers is so sad, really. My first teacher in handicrafts was also not so good, and rather discouraging, but luckily the next one was really good and inspiring. But, as with everything, you have to have the interest for anything to stick.

    2. I'm not sure I agree with you here. I think that the teacher can sometimes have more influence on our interests than anything else. I experienced it when I started high school. While I can't say my first chemistry teacher was purely great, she somehow managed to make chemistry my favourite subject. Which changed drastically when I went to high school, where I totally lost my interest because of a hopeless teacher. Sadly, it never came back... but maybe it wasn't meant for me to be a scientist ;)

    3. I totally agree with you there. What I meant was, that if you have an eager interest, you don't forget those skills as easily and you'll more likely to come back to it in the future.


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