
Sunday Spirit // 50 Shades of autumn

I have never read the book, but taking a walk in the crisp autumn air yesterday made me notice all 50 subtle shades of late autumn. I have always disliked this time of year. The colorful leaves are gone by now, the days are getting shorter and darker, and summer seems further away than ever. And for a summer-person like me, that's hard to bear. But, yesterday was one of those rare days of late autumn when the sun is shining, and the weather is so crisp and calm, that you can hear your own breathing. And it made me appreciate this season. It made me stop for a second and take in all the beauty this season really has to offer.
I reached for my winter boots and started walking along my favorite paths around my childhood home. Along the road to the park, then to the riverside and back around the pond. It was so chilly, almost wintery. I forgot my cloves, and boy, did I feel their absence. But, it was so pretty, I didn't even care.
 Last week felt like a constant rush and I hate those kinds of weeks. Having no time to rest, sleep, eat or do the things I love (including blogging) is no fun. I keep telling myself it's just another couple of weeks. I'm officially 3 weeks away from my big move to Germany. I have so many things on my mind all the time, it's difficult to keep up with life. On the flip-side, busy times always remind me of the things I really care about. Those things are the ones I miss most.
So, what do I miss most at the moment? I miss creative time. I loved every minute I was working on the new collection last week (update coming soon). I miss me time. Sleeping in, painting my toenails, reading good blogs, dreaming up new ideas for the blog. Those are things I need in my life. I miss Rein. Skype helps, of course, but I miss all the kisses, and snuggles, and hugs. Just being around him calms me. He's my partner in crime, my biggest supporter, my rock to hide behind.

Just three more weeks. That's all. And then, a completely new world awaits me.

What do you miss most in your life right now?

xo. Hanna


  1. Mich macht diese Jahreszeit immer etwas melancholisch... ich weiß auch nicht warum... Irgendwie wird einem, so bald die Blätter fallen und alles weniger bunt ist, erst so richtig bewusst, dass das Jahr beinahe vorbei ist... hach...

    1. Ich weiß was du meinst. Ich glaube es ist auch das Gefühl, dass alles im Leben einmal zur ende kommt. Die Tage sind so dunkel und das drückt uns an die Seele manchmal, glaube ich.

  2. same..same...tooo bussy this times. Not time to rest - read books - chill....but vacation is not that far away ;-))

    1. Vacation sounds nice! I read on Pinterest the other day "We should stop the glorification of busy". So true! Sometimes it seems that we should aim for a busier and busier life. Well, I feel I'm in a need of a less busy life at the moment :).


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