
DIY Lace Stud Earrings

Happy April Fools! Did you get any good pranks today? I'm very easy to fool since I forget about the date, even during the day, and so I'm just thinking it's an ordinary Wednesday. Or I'm simply naive. But, let's go with the first version, ok?

I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who participated in the Etsy send-off party with the purchases. The shop is now officially closed, and I'll be removing the link from the menu bar as well. I'll be writing more in depth about all the lessons learned soon.

Enough of chit-chat - let's get down to business! Lace earrings have been on my mind for a while, but somehow I haven't gotten around to making any before now. In my earring-making frenzy last week, I suddenly had a burst of inspiration and voila, lace earrings. These are so easy to make, it almost feels like cheating. So, if you've ever wanted to get into jewelry-making, but been intimidated by the tools and wires and techniques, simple stud earrings are the perfect place to start. You cannot do it wrong! 
 Supplies needed:
1) Venice style lace
2) Scissors
3) Mod Podge
4) Small painting brush
5) Earring studs
6) Super glue
7) Plastic bag 
 Here's the how-to:
1) Cut 2 suitable motifs for the earring from the venice lace.
3) Add a drop of water to Mod Podge (until it's runny) and paint over both sides of the lace motifs. Protect the underlying surface and the motifs by laying a plastic bag under them for this step.
4) Let completely dry before gluing the studs to the backside of the lace. Once the glue has dried, you can wear your new studs.
Ridiculously simple, right? You might be wondering why I messed with the Mod Podge in the first place. Well, the lace itself is soft, but I wanted the earrings to have a good form, and be at least somewhat stain-resistant. And infusing them in Mod Podge did just that.

Happy crafting!
xo. Hanna


  1. Rumalpea nüüd küsib, et mis see Mod Podge on? Sest tundub, et just selle puudumise tõttu läks kunagi mul pitsist kõrvarõngaste tegemine vussi. Ja mis puutub nalja tegemisse, siis mina pean tunnistama, et kuulun sinna teise rühma. Esimene aprill või mitte, ma jään kõike uskuma!

    1. Mod Podge on üsna valge liimi taoline liim, mis kuivab samuti läbipaistvaks. Ta on veidi paksem ja seda kasutatakse ka pealislakina, aga soovitan proovida tavalise PVA liimiga, kui just eriti rariteet pitsiga tegu ei ole :).
      Mulle on jäänud mulje, et mujal maailmas lihtsalt ei teata PVA liimist eriti midagi.


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