
Read & Relax

Happy weekend! It's been a busy one over here, and I'm going to write more about that tomorrow, but for today, I just wanted to hop by and share some of the cool things I've found on the internet recently.

These words of Ira Glass really struck a cord with me. Starting out with anything creative can be a struggle, and usually is. Which is why it's so important to remember that we all start from the beginning, and that nobody's first try is ever perfect.

The most inspiring and touching speech I've heard, by J.K. Rowling. The emotion I got from listening to it is hard to put into words. It's definitely worth a listen, whether you like Harry Potter or not.

McDonald's passed off as organic food? This one is all about the power of priming. An amazing example of how much the framing of a product (the context it's in) really influences us.

Whether you like their product or not, Dove sure pulls off some amazing campaigns. If you had to choose between a door that says "Beautiful" and a door that says "Average", which one would you walk through? Made me think about how I see myself. I haven't discussed it on the blog, but it's no secret that I've gained some weight after moving to Germany. And it's been a struggle to see myself as beautiful. But, it really is important what we tell and how we treat ourselves. I for one am determined to treat myself better.

If you've been wondering what to do with the exterior of your home, here's and idea. Wow! is all i have to say about that.

And, in case you're doing some spring cleaning, here are some good tips for taking care of your jewelry. Plus, Makaro has some gorgeous jewelry, so, you know, in case you're looking for a Mother's day gift, be sure to give their collection a look-through. (Hubby, if you're reading this, I would love this!)

Last, but not least, if you're looking for a DIY project, why not give the scrap yarn blanket on the above photo a go? It's the perfect piece to cuddle up in around the bonfire.

xo. Hanna

P.S! I'm sewing the first samples for the Sewing Club projects. An update is coming soon! If you're interested, sign-up below!


  1. Thanks for sharing these inspiring reads :)

    Hanna, you're not entitled to receive mother's day gifts yet! :D

    1. Haha :D The hint to Hubby was meant to be a whole separate thing, not related to Mother's day ;)

  2. Looking forward to seeing your first samples! : )

    1. Going to post some very sneaky peeks later today.


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