
Want to start sewing? Let's do it!

Lately, I've thought a lot about how I can bring more to this blog. For over two years now I've shared refashion tutorials, sewing and other DIY projects, home decor tutorials, beauty posts, personal stories and so much more. During these 530 posts (including this one), I've had just as many ideas of where I want to take my blog, my life, and my business.

The last couple of months have given me a lot of clarity. I've found out what I don't like doing, and more importantly, I've re-discovered the things that make me thrive. I love brainstorming ideas for new DIY and sewing projects and get giddy turning those ideas into reality. I enjoy sharing my ideas, creations and knowledge. I get a kick out of teaching someone something and seeing the joy they get from the aha-moments learning creates. And, I'm happy when I see others use my tutorials to create something of their own.

I've always been a woman of many passions. I do my best work and am the happiest when I have many very different things on my plate at once. My struggle has always been finding that one thing that combines all (or most) of my passions. Well, I finally found it!

The Pearls & Scissors Sewing club will be the best place for learning how to sew and connecting with other sewers. I'm so excited about it, I can barely contain myself.

I actually got the idea from you! Questions like "How did you learn how to sew?" "What's the best way to learn how to sew?" "Where to get started?" "What project should I choose for my first ever sewing project?" or "How to get into garment sewing?" have been the most frequently asked questions on the blog. I hear you! You'd love to learn how to sew, or develop those basic skills you have, but... Oh, all the BUTs.

You're busy, right? I know. You feel there's not enough time to start a new hobby, or to even practice the skills you already have.

It's expensive. There's definitely no money to put towards it. There's so much stuff to be bought before you even get to sit behind the sewing machine.

This whole thing feels overwhelming. From machines, to fabrics, to needles, to tools - the list goes on.Where do you even begin, right?

If you've ever felt this way, the Sewing Club is for you.

In a series of sewing classes I will take you through the baby steps, and on to sewing garments in no time. Basically, we will go through one mini course a month. Each class will teach a set of skills from the very basics to more advanced as we go along. And at the end of each course, you'll have a finished garment. Yes, even after the first one!

I think learning is always so much more fun, when done together. Don't you agree? This is why I've named this whole thing a Club rather than a course. There will be awesome featured included so you can interact with your classmates and support each other.

You do NOT need any previous skills in sewing to join. But, you can totally join if you already have some skills and you would love to develop your skills with like-minded ladies (and gents are welcome, too).

You do need access to a sewing machine. See how I said "access" instead of "own". If you don't own a machine of your own, maybe there's someone in your circle who does. Ask around. I bet there's someone who has a machine they could lend you, or have you use for a couple hours now and again. It doesn't need to be anything fancy - you can start with a one-stitch 100-year-old Singer if that's what you have (like I did more than 10 years ago).

You do NOT need a lot of free time to do the course work. All foreseeable monthly courses take about 1-2 hours a week to complete.

I will always try to keep the resource list to a minimum and outline the best and most affordable places to get your materials.

We will be stitching up one garment each month and adding skills as we go. This way, in 6 months, you'll have a mini self-stitched wardrobe. How cool, right?

If a long-term commitment sounds intimidating, you can also test-drive the courses separately, as they come out.

If you would be interested in getting more info on the club, join the mailing list below! I will send out news about up-coming classes and early bird specials to the mailing list. So, if you don't want to miss out, sign-up below! Also, you will receive a free 15-page Start Sewing Guide to get started even before classes begin.


  1. Väga lahe idee! Ja ma kahtlustan, et olen kambas. Sest see ilmselgelt motiveerib õmblema ning vähem vabandusi otsima. Samuti ei saa eitada, et mind võlus mõte enda loodud garderoobisisust :)

    1. Oi kui tore! Selle üle on mul siiralt kohe väga hea meel! :) Ma ootan juba kannatamatult, et saaks klubiga alustada.

  2. OMG, this is so exciting! I've been taking some online courses from craftsy and was really satisfied with the results but what you're trying to create sounds like there will be much more personal interaction - like you're sewing with your friends :)

    I'm a rather experienced seamstress, so I'll probably need to wait until you get to some more complex projects, but I'll follow along and who knows, I may even be able to provide some help or advice :)

    1. That's exactly what I want to create - the feeling of learning among friends who support each other. I love interacting with others who are learning and loving the same things as I am, so I really wanted to include that aspect in the Sewing Club as well. It's not just a course it's really a club for like-minded people :)

      It's true that I really want to help people get started, so the first project will be novice-friendly so everyone can follow along. But, I think that if you love the project, you can totally join sooner. I bet the others would appreciate your expertise. But, of course, that's completely up to you.

  3. Great...just signed up ;-))...I love the Name sewing club ! - I'll try to make some promotion by my friends !! I sew now years Long - but only shortening curtains, trowsers - some small items - deco...and other stuff - but NEVER - tryed to sew clothings al this years long. HOpe this fact will change now ;-).....wish you good luck !! Geli

    1. Yay! So happy you signed-up! I can't wait to see you sew your first handmade garment!


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