
Life Lately

 Life has been full lately. Full of thought and process, a lot of progress and even perfection. I haven't done a life update in a while, so I thought it would be high time I shared what I've been up to these days.

I've made some progress on the work-front and am now nanny-ing part-time and giving piano lessons. It's funny how life works sometimes. Both of these jobs are by Estonian-German families, meaning the Mom in the family is Estonian. What's even more, I blindly applied for the nanny position without even knowing it was a fellow Estonian. Worked out perfectly!

I can honestly say I've enjoyed every working hour spent these past couple of weeks. I'm super content with the situation at the moment in the sense that this arrangement helps us out financially, but leaves time for building my blog and business. Plus, the little girl I'm looking after is just the cutest. I might have to take on one more family to work for, just to bring more financial security to our lives, but other than that I'm happy with the way things are.
Speaking of building my business. Here's a little sneak peek at the projects I've been working on for the Start Sewing Club. I'm totally in love with both projects, and I loved sewing these. My goal was to create a 2-piece outfit that's fun to sew (even for total beginners) and has a lot of potential for different variations. And, they are the perfect addition to a summer wardrobe. I'm going to share more details with the Start Sewing List, so get on it if you haven't already (just fill in the form below!). I'm going to sew another set with the club, and I'm already looking forward to it.

Now that I'm done with the samples and figured out the meat of the program, I'm almost ready to launch. So Excited! Seriously, I think this is it. This is the project I've been searching for. The idea of this sewing club was one that just clicked and I instantly felt so inspired to create it. I'm all about ideas in general, but this one was different somehow. You know what I mean? I really had to contain myself to keep the time-frame and project load to a manageable size this time. I had grand plans, but luckily I have a hubby who knows how to ground me. Since the first run of the club will be a pioneer, I really need to keep the work-load manageable for both me and the club members.

I could write a whole post on this subject, and I probably will, but for now, I'm going to leave it at this little update.
Last but not least, I HAVE to talk about the weather. I mean, would you just look at that?! I love spring in Cologne!! There are gorgeous blooming trees everywhere, and it's been super warm and sunny for the past 2 weeks. It's what I used to dream about in Estonia. I totally see why people love spring now. It was hard seeing the beauty of spring when it consisted of melting snow, mud puddles and cold wind, whereas here it's like summer in Estonia. So pretty!

Life lately has been a whirlwind, but in a good way. I hope yours has, too!

xo. Hanna

P.S! I know this is getting annoying, but I just can't contain myself. Do hop on the Start Sewing mailing list and I'll send you more updates on the upcoming Sewing Club and early bird bonuses that only the list-people get. Oh, and of course, you'll get the Start Sewing Guide sent to your inbox for free!


  1. I've been trying to join the mailing list but can't seem to get any links to work (even on other posts). :( I'm on my phone..not sure if the 'want to sew/start now' graphic is just not clickable on mobile? Maybe I'm missing something...?

    1. So sorry, Polly! I just checked, and the problem might be that the graphic doesn't resize for mobile (that's my bad coding skills) and you have to scroll over to the right to see the boxes where you can enter your name and e-mail. Just tab the box that says your name and you should be able to enter your name there, and then the same thing with the e-mail box. If you have any trouble, don't hesitate to contact me directly at hanna(at)pearlsandscissors(dot)com and I can manually add you to the list.

      Hope this helps! I'd love to have you on the list!
      xo. Hanna

  2. Really great to hear that you found a part time job!

    1. Thank you! It's been a huge relief for the both of us.

  3. Your life seems to be rolling so great. New job, beautiful city, spring & date nights and the best upcoming project ever (which btw i'm so eagerly looking forward to)... n btw, love that tree and the matching skirt... Have a Blast with your Beautiful life... :*

    1. On the one hand, you're absolutely right, but as always, every huge growth has a lot of growing pains. I'm just choosing to concentrate on the positive. Which doesn't mean there aren't hard days. Of course there are! But, seeing the silver linings makes it all worth it :)

  4. Congratulations on finding a job! This Spring has brought you a 'new begining' :)

    1. To me, it feels like things are finally settling into place. Like I'm finally fining my rhythm.

  5. Congratulations on finding a job! This Spring has brought you a 'new begining' :)

  6. I hope can be afriend.. i love diy too..
    I am from Indonesia..

  7. Hea on kohe lugeda, et Sul asjad vaikselt paika loksuvad! :)

    1. Endal on ka järjest kindlam ja mõnusam tunne! Hakkab looma :)


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