
Words for the Week // No.20 // Around these parts

That's exactly what I'm doing this week. Taking a step back, re-evaluating my goals, my dreams, my standpoint. This transition has not been easy for me. Mostly, because sitting at home all day has forced me to deal with the thoughts, feelings, and decisions I haven't wanted to face for the past few months. I've got to be honest, it hasn't all been goal-setting and dream-making. More like self-doubting and fear-facing. But, it's all part of the process. We've al been there. At a cross-roads, trying to figure out our next move. It's not always easy, but we'll figure it out in the end. We always do.
 Around these parts we've been having delicious breakfasts.
 Around these parts, I've cut, wrapped, and sewn.
 Around these parts, I'm learning that I love to paint, and build.
Around these parts, we're making a home.

It's not at all a blue Monday for me today, and I'm looking forward to this week. I have so much soul-searching, goal-setting, work-finding, dreaming, and sewing planned. Plus, I'm flying back to Estonia for the holidays in just a week. Is it really Christmas already?

What have you been up to? And, more importantly, what do you want this week to be like?

xo. Hanna

P.S! I love black&white photos, can you tell? :)


  1. Really beautiful sentiments...I'm where you are in many ways :) Enjoy the process, though at times it is beyond difficult...I'm looking to a hopeful outcome!

    1. Andrea, I'm sending all my love your way! I hope the same applies to your own situation, and that there are better and brighter days ahead.


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