
Words for the Week // No.16 // Change of seasons, a season of change

This is the tree we got married under. I love capturing how certain places change through the seasons.

The change in seasons reflects well on what's going on in my life lately. A lot of change. It's funny how life teaches you lessons. I used to feel overwhelmed by change. I didn't like, I didn't want it. I thought I was set.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

Only a few years ago, the change of seasons was exactly that, simply summer turning into fall, then into winter, then to spring, and back to summer. I new where I was going to be in a year's time. I thought I knew how my life would turn out.

Now, every season is a season of change, and I have no idea what will be next. The last year has been full of changes - getting together with Rein, getting engaged, graduation, our wedding, and now, moving to Cologne. And the more I experience change, the more I embrace it. Every change so far has led me to a better place, a more truthful, more fulfilling life, which I'm so grateful for.

Change is good. Life is good. It's not easy, but it's good. And I'm ok with the hard bits. Because I know it's how I get to the even better bits of life.

Is it just a change of seasons for you, or a season of change?

Thanks for letting me ramble!
xo. Hanna

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  1. oh..i think, i never wonder about Change in my life ;-))...but i think when i was young my life was rather boring by comparision with yours... or the other reason is - if you get older, you do not remeber how strange some changes have felt when you've been young ...hard to explain...I live like this sentence "I regret not the things I've done, but those I did not do"..greetings from Germany !

    1. I wonder about everything, it's just my nature, and sometimes I envy people who an just be and do, without thinking too much about it. I don't know whether that's the type of person you are mostly, but it's something I've thought about (again this thinking). I love that sentence as well, and I think the idea behind it is why I have so many changes is my life right now. So I won't regret trying somewhere down the road.

      Thank you for your thoughts! and I hope to be greeting you back from Germany real soon :)


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