
DIY Painted Wooden Beads necklace

Although I love the statement necklace trend, I don't own very many. When it comes to jewelry, I'm more of a earrings type. I don't wear necklaces nearly as often as I'd like to. And, I think part of the problem is that I don't like spending money on trendy jewelry that might not get as much wear or might go out of fashion next year. So, I thought I'd make myself a necklace that would be bold enough to make a statement yet subtle enough for my taste.
 This necklace is super simple to make. You don't even need fancy jewelry making equipment to create it. Just a few beads and nail polish is about it.


  • 3 wooden beads (1 with a diameter of 3cm, and 2 with 2.5cm)
  • Nail polish in the color of your choice
  • Tooth picks
  • Shot glasses or somewhere to hang the beads to dry
  • necklace chain (as long as you want the necklace to be)
  • hook-eye closure
  • 2 small 5mm connection rings
  • /or buy a ready made chain necklace

Choose three bold nail polish colors for your necklace design. I chose teal, orange red and turquoise.
 Insert a tooth pick through one of the beads and start painting half of the bead in the first color. Once you're done, set it on the shot glass to dry.
Repeat with the other two beads and nail polish colors.

Pull one of the connection rings open, insert the hook closure and one end of the chain, and push it back closed. Then, take the other connection ring, pull it open and insert the other end of the chain, close the ring.
You can skip this step if you use a ready-made chain necklace.

Once the beads have dried, pull the chain necklace though the beads, and you're done!
Wasn't it simple? Sometimes, describing the making process is so much more difficult than the making itself.

I've gotten a lot of wear out of my necklace already, so I'm thinking about making another variation, maybe this time in metallics and black. We'll see...

Happy making!

xo. Hanna


  1. Great idea Hanna !! Love it, because it's easy peasy and i have an redycling idea für my old nail polish...

    1. I love buying nail polish in flashy colors, but they usually get used very rarely. Perfect project, right!

  2. It's beautiful! As Angelika said, it gets some use out of nailpolish and I like wooden beads. I'm definitly thinking about making my own.

    1. If you do make it, I'd love to see the result!

  3. Ok, first, you're gorgeous...help! Second, I LOVE this project and it has given me a great idea for gifts!!! Thank you!

    1. Gosh, thanks so much Andrea! You're too kind. And, you're completely right, this is a great idea for a handmade gift.

  4. Ajasid tuhina peale küll. Ma olen ka pigem kõrvarõnga-inimene, aga sellise kaelakee peab endale lihtsalt tegema ju! Ja kust see ilus pluus pärit on?

    1. Just-just, selline lihtsalt peab olema. Ja endalegi üllatuseks olen seda päris palju juba kandnud ka. See pluus on pärit iseenda õmblusmasina vahelt ehk et täitsa ise tehtud :)


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