
Refashionista // A basic fix for a ripped sleeve (going sleeveless)

 Today's refashion is something really basic. It's the ABC of refashioning really. As I shared yesterday, my refashion story started with the need to fix thrifted clothing. Hemming, patching holes and hiding stains it what forced me to alter the clothing I bought. And, although over the years it's turned into a passion I now specifically thrift for, time and time again I come back to the very basics. Most of my jeans still need hemming. There are still clothes that get stained, or just don't fit right. 

And while with all these refashion-oriented blogs out there we probably won't even open the post unless it says "How I turned shirt-sleeves into a dress" (well, I guess I came close enough with this one), I think there's still room for some simple refashioning. Because, when you're just starting out with altering your clothes, maybe turning a skirt into a dress isn't going to be your first project. Or, maybe, you just want to be able to mend your own clothes, and aren't all that interested in re-doing the whole garment. 
Which brings me to today's post. I found this top in the maternity section at my favorite Tallinn thrift shop (#notpregnant), and I really loved the colors and the fabric of it, so I tried it on, and loved it. And hey, it's got future potential! I loved it and wore it so much that the sleeve seam ripped in the back. I tried to mend, but it ripped again. Sigh. I was not ready to call it quits yet, so here's what I did...
1. I cut off the sleeves right at the seam-line.
2. Tried the top on, and marked how wide I wanted the shoulder to be, and saw that I also needed to take in the sides a tad.
3. Took in the sides (about 3cm from each side), and re-cut the armholes with the help of the big french curve ruler (love those). 
4. Finished the armholes with pre-made bias binding, tried the top on again, and took it in some more from the sides. 

My tips for this type of refashion wold be to try and try again, meaning try the top on between each step, to make sure the armholes are going to look ok once your done. And, when sewing the bias binding, make sure to "stretch" the binding slightly as you sew, for a better and more snug fit. You could even pre-curve the binding by stretching it into a curve while pressing with the iron. And, finally, a good press at the end always makes it look 100% better (that's best tip for all sewing).
Luckily, I found some matching binding in my stash, but I am getting a little nervous. I used to almost always have what I needed in my stash, and now I need to start planning my makes ahead, and even then, this shit is really expensive here. My first visit to the German garment stores had me thinking only rich people get to sew in Germany. I mean, when making your own garment is going to cost you at least twice what you'd pay at the store for a finished garment, you really have to be passionate about it to do it. This only means two things: I need to find a decent online fabric store fast (any suggestions?), and I need to fly as much of my previous stash over here as possible. 
I'm content with the way this turned out. No, it's nothing mind-blowing, but it means I can wear this comfy blouse at least a few time more. As I was writing this, I got to thinking. Would anyone be interested in a series of refashioning basics?

Thanks for stopping by, and I'll see you in the comments!
xo. Hanna


  1. Refashioning for beginners would be great!

  2. Hallo Hanna!
    Sehr gerne mehr von den Anleitungen !!! Das mit der Randeinfassung (bindings) habe ich noch nie gemacht... ich weis, in Deutschland sind die Nähsachen super teuer. Und Klamotten kaufen ist oft viel billiger als selbst nähen. Aber man hat halt etwas EIGENENS und INDIVIDUELLES ! Schon eine Rolle Nähgarn kostet manchmal so viel wie ein billiges Shirt :-//. LG Geli
    PS... habe Dir eine Mail geschickt - Deine Überraschung ist angekommen !! Hab mich sooo gefreut !

    1. Hallo! Habe grad die Mail gelesen. Freut mich ganz viel!
      Ja, selber genäht ist etwas eigenes und individuelles, und ich würde es sowieso machen, aber das traurige ist, das viele Leute die eigentlich gerne nähen würden, vielleicht nur wegen den Kost nicht anfangen. Ich versuche allerdings viele Sachen von Estland zu bekommen, sonst gibt es bald kein Blog mehr. Aber, das wird schon :)

  3. Deutschland ist leider wirklich so wahnsinnig teuer, was Nähsachen angeht. Die Erfahrung habe ich auch schon gemacht. Falls du einen guten Online-Shop findest, lass es mich wissen! : )

  4. Beautifully done, Hanna.

    And, oh how I know about those German stores! I love in the states now and am not sure what I'd do if I moved back across the pond.

    Regarding using your stash and running out of supplies, have you considered "refashioning" your own supplies? The blue bias tape you used matches nicely, but in this case, since you had all the fabric from the arms to work with, couldn't you have cut some bias strips from the arm fabric? More work, yes, with the folding and ironing and maybe even having to piece strips together to make them long enough. But wouldn't require any other materials except thread...

    1. Thank you, Karin! And oh what I'd give for thrift stores like the ones in the States. I've never been there myself, but judging by all the American blogs, they seem amazing.

      Making bias from the sleeves was my initial idea, but then I go lazy :P. Since this fabric is really thin and flimsy, I knew it would take many grey hairs to finish this project this way. I love re-using material though, so that will definitely be one thing I'll be doing more of.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hey Hannah,
    das Problem, dieses Hobby zu finanzieren habe ich als Studentin auch. Und lass uns wirklich nicht über die 2nd hand Läden sprechen, ich könnte hier in Berlin regelmäßig einen Wutanfall bekommen, so teuer ist das. Vor allem, wenn man andere Preise aus anderen Ländern kennt. Aber Angebot und Nachfrage...
    Ich käufe Stoffe vor allem in Karstadt Kaufhäusern. Nich alle führen Stoffe, aber in denen die es tuen gibt es in der Regel einen Sale-Tisch, wo der Meter meisten zwischen 1,50-6€ kostet. Ist dann wie beim Kaufen im 2nd hand Laden; hit & miss. Und außerdem haben die noch einen Tisch mit Endstücken, die dann auch nochmal reduziert verkauft werden. Meistens werde ich fündig. Ansonsten gibt es einen Ebay-Shop "Denno-Stoffe" mit sehr günstigen Preisen. Habe dort bisher mehrmals bestellt und war zufrieden. Die Qualität ist genauso wie im regulären Laden und wenn man mehrere Meter bestellt, sind die Versandkosten auch relativiert. Auch hit & miss ob man was findet, was einem gefällt, aber einen Blick wert.

    1. Danke für die Empfehlungen, Katarina! Ich werde sie mal näher ansehen, vielleicht finde ich ja auch etwas. Und, im Humana findet man manchmal auch Stoffe, die man fürs Nähen benutzen kann.

  7. I'm so not ready for "skirt to dress" refashions-I shorten things, nip in sides a bit, or use fabric for a project. Thanks for sharing that refashioning isn't always madly changing the item, but sometimes just making changes so it fits you.

    1. I feel you, Tami. I don't think refashioning should be about something radical every time. In fact, most of my refashions are still repairs and fittings, but I don't share those often, because they seem boring. But, now I'm reconsidering that thought :)

  8. Nii kaunis! Ja palun reeda nüüd oma lemmik teiseringipood Tallinnas! :)

    1. Minu lemmik on kohe kindlasti Paavli kaltsukas. Sealt leian alati midagi (tavaliselt liigagi palju) ja enamus mu viimase aasta leidudest on sealt pärit. Vintage Humana Stockmanni juures on ka huvitav, aga kallis (sinna tasuks ehk allahindluste aegu minna). Ja mõni aeg tagasi oli vanalinnas üks eriti ära peidetud koht nimega Iisraeli keskus, mis tegutses sealse koguduse juures ja kust sai imelisi asju peaagu tasuta. Siis nad läksid remonti, aga mis edasi sai, seda ma kahjuks ei tea. Viimasel ajal ei oled näed enam sinna asja :P.

    2. Aitäh! Paavli on ilmselt ka minu üks lemmikuid, lihtsalt arvasin, et sul veel mõni salakoht varuks :) Iisraeli keskust plaanin uurida, koduleht ütleb neil, et peaks endiselt avatud olema.


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