
DIY Gold leaf headband

Happy Monday! I hope you've had a wonderful start to your week. Mondays can be a bummer, as we all know, so why not start this week off with making something pretty for yourself. This headband takes very little time and effort, but looks stunning. Plus, it's a great project to make use of those old artificial flowers you're not using anymore.

I've been seeing a lot of pretty gold leaf headbands on Pinterest these past few months, and I really wanted to make one for myself. I don't usually wear headbands because they're uncomfortable to wear with classes, so I didn't want to spend money on something I would rarely use. Which is why I used only materials I already had for this project.

You will need:
  • artificial flower leaves
  • Golden permanent marker or spray paint
  • metal headband
  • bobby pins
  • strong adhesive (like super glue or E6000)

1. Start by cutting the leaves off the stem. Your final design depends on what type of leaves you use of course, so you could also use very small leaves on a stem, in which case ignore this step.

2. Use a permanent marker or spray paint to color all the leaves you plan to use.

3. Let the leaves dry. Once they're completely dry, you can start making the headband.

4. First, mark the center on the metal headband. I wanted the leaves to overlap a little in the center, so I glued the first leaf so that the tip was about 1cm over the center line. Use bobby pins to stop the leaf from moving. When you first place the leaf and the glue is still wet, the leaves have the tendency to stick up from one side or move off center, so bobby pin are perfect for avoiding that.

5. Continue glueing the leaves to the headband from the center towards the sides. After all the leaves have been glued and you're happy with your design, add more bobby pins and leave the headband to dry.

I'm pretty happy with the end result. I would have liked to use smaller leaves, but I wanted to use materials I already had, and those were the best option from that.

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