
Sunday Spirit: Blog news and some delicious chocolate rolls

This is one of those odd posts with a bunch of things thrown together. I just have a few things I wanted to share with you.
First things first. When you're ever in Tallinn, you have to try out these chocolate rolls from the local Narva cafe. They are to die for! I'm serious. For some odd reason they only have them once in a blue moon (I haven't figured out their torturous scheme yet), but they are so worth the wait.
Now that that's out of my system, we can move on to other news. I've been taking the Blog Life e-course from A Beautiful Mess, and loving every lesson. I highly recommend it to everyone thinking about starting a blog (for fun or with a career in mind) and to seasoned bloggers as well. I'm learning so much and feeling so inspired. The biggest noticeable change I've made since starting the course is joining Google Adsense and serving ads on my sidebar. So, I know that advertising on blogs is a very controversial topic. Some people don't mind sponsors and sponsored content, but for some it spoils the fun, and it can look a little tacky.

So, it thought I'd share some of my thought on this topic. At this point, I feel I need to start monetizing my blog more to be able to keep up with the quality of the content I want to share with you. I'd love to share more original DIYs and refashions (we all love a good DIY, right), but that takes a lot of time. As a student with a small income, that time should be spent on making a living. So, if I want to keep blogging, I need to make it a part-time job. And I really want to continue blogging.

What are your thoughts on this subject?


  1. In my opinion it is totally right to advertise on your blog (as long as advertisments don't become the majority of the contents ;) ). You spend lots of time running a blog after all and let's be realistic: time equals money. Additionally (though I may not work for all of the bloggers), it could help you overcome laziness, because you'll know that your hard work provides you some income (and you can never have too much money for some pretty fabrics, ha! :) )

    1. That's a good point about laziness. Thinking about taking the blog to a new level has totally sparked my inspiration and motivation.


Leave your thoughts below! I appreciate every comment, question, thought and kind word. Thank you!

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