
DIY // Simple fabric flower stud earrings

This project was inspired by a pair of earrings I saw on Etsy a while ago. I loved the simple yet charming nature of those simple fabric flower studs, and wanted to try and make my own version. I love using up scraps of fabric I have left over from other projects, so I'm always on the lookout for simple projects that need little fabric. These earrings were the perfect fit.

After some trial and error, I figured out a very simple method of making the fabric spiral flowers I wanted to create. If you also want a pair, this is what you need:

  • Fabric
  • Double-sided tape
  • Earring posts with bezel cups
  • Glue
  • Scissors

First, you have to make fabric tape, which is actually very easy to do. Cut two 10cm long strips of double-sided tape and tape them onto fabric. Cut the tape out and your fabric tape is ready.

Now, remove the backing from the tape and start rolling the tip of the tape, like you would when covering a cord with it. Once you have a tube about 5 cm long, cut the tape, and roll the tube into a spiral. Before cutting the tape, make sure your tube is long enough to fill the cup of the earring when it's spiraled into a circle.

Once you've made two spiral flowers, add some glue inside the bezel cups, and insert the flowers (spirals).

Let the glue dry, and your earrings are ready to wear.

I hope you like this little project. Happy making!

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  1. Great idea! I'm definitely trying it. It's good to see more DIY posts on your blog. My finals are over and now I have plenty of time for crafting :)

    1. Congrats on your finals! I've also missed doing DIY projectson the blog, but hopefully I'll have more time for that now.


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