
Words for the week // No.1

I feel it's something I need to constantly remind myself of. I don't need to be perfect. You don't need to be perfect. Because, well, no-one really is. We tend to forget that sometimes, and put so much pressure upon ourselves to be the best, to do things just right, to jump over our own shadow. I have those moments all the time. I'm an over-achiever and a perfectionist by nature, so admitting I can't be perfect is hard for me. But, in the last few years I've learned to forgive myself my faults and love the person I am, with all the little (and sometimes big) mistakes I make along the way.

This week I feel I need that reminder again. The next few weeks are full of really important steps in my life - exams I want to excel in, that will partly determine what my future will look like. It's hard not to expect greatness from yourself at times like these, when the outcome really matters. But, I can only do my best, right? The best that I'm capable of at that exact moment in time. So, that's what I'm going to tell myself over and over again...

Just do your best, and that will be enough.

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  1. This is so true! I'm a perfectionist too, by the way, so I know exaclty what you mean ;)


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