
Words for the week // No.2

For this week, I chose this powerful quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson. It's easier to be afraid and only see the obstacles along the way, than to be brave and see the opportunities ahead. I must admit, I've been more scared than brave lately. With my voice problems this past week and my last and most important final being on Wednesday, worry is quick to step into my mind, and I think we all know how that can spiral into self-pity and sadness. Both of which do absolutely no good nor help me solve the problem. So, I need to stop worrying and start believing that everything is going to be fine. I just have to keep my dreams in mind and let them lead the way.

What challenges await you this week?


  1. It can be hard putting yourself out there and working hard to follow your dreams. There may be real reasons why you are worried, but you have made it this far on your hard work and talent. Trust in yourself to make it just a little farther. Good Luck!

    1. Thank you so much for your incredibly kind words! I'll keep them in mind :)


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